This text has been revised and updated to take account of the variety of contexts within the Lifelong Learning Sector. It provides a source of guidance, support and training materials for those involved with mentoring within the sector and presents current theory in an accessible way, illustrated with familiar and pertinent examples. The book shows how a system of mentoring can be successfully implemented, monitored and evaluated within a college or other lifelong learning organisation and explores what the experts and theorists have to say about mentoring, to see how well this fits with the reality of day-to-day experience.
Table of Content
How to be a good mentor and mentee
Mentoring skills 1
Mentoring skills 2
Coaching and feedback
Mentoring yourself: the reflective mentor
Effective mentor = effective teacher?
Mentoring schemes – institutional issues
About the author
Susan Wallace is Professor of Continuing Education at Nottingham Trent University. She previously taught for ten years in Further Education and has worked in a local authority advisory role for post-16 education. She is the author of a number of books, including Teaching, Tutoring and Training in the Lifelong Learning Sector and Managing Behaviour in the Lifelong Learning Sector.