Michael S. Lewis-Beck is F. Wendell Miller Distinguished Professor of Political Science at the University of Iowa, and holds a Ph.D. from the University of Michigan. His interests are comparative elections, election forecasting, political economy, and quantitative methodology. He has been designated the 4th most cited political scientist since 1940, in the field of methodology. Professor Lewis-Beck has authored or co-authored over 240 articles and books, including Applied Regression: An Introduction, Data Analysis: An Introduction, Economics and Elections: The Major Western Democracies, Forecasting Elections, The American Voter Revisited and French Presidential Elections. He has served as an Editor of the American Journal of Political Science, the Sage QASS series (the green monographs) in quantitative methods and The Sage Encyclopedia of Social Science Research Methods. Currently he is Associate Editor of International Journal of Forecasting and Associate Editor of French Politics. In spring 2012, he held the position of Paul Lazersfeld University Professor at the University of Vienna. During the fall of 2012, he was Visiting Professor at Center for Citizenship and Democracy, University of Leuven (KU Leuven), Belgium. In spring 2013, Professor Lewis-Beck was Visiting Scholar, Centennial Center, American Political Science Association, Washington, D.C. During fall 2013, he served as Visiting Professor, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain. In spring, 2014, he was Visiting Scholar, Department of Political Science, University of Göteborg, Sweden. For fall, 2014, he served as a Visiting Professor at LUISS University, Rome. At present, he is co-authoring a book on how Latin Americans vote.
10 Ebooks by Kai Arzheimer
Kai Arzheimer & Jocelyn Evans: The SAGE Handbook of Electoral Behaviour
The study of voting behaviour remains a vibrant sub-discipline of political science. The Handbook of Electoral Behaviour is an authoritative and wide ranging survey of this dynamic field, drawi …
Bernd Heidenreich & Angelika Röming: Das Land Hessen
Im Jahr 2014 jährt sich zum 60. Male die Gründung der Hessischen Landeszentrale für politische Bildung. Was liegt da näher, als dieses Jubiläum zum Anlass einer aktuellen Standortbestimmung unseres B …
Bernd Heidenreich & Angelika Röming: Das Land Hessen
Im Jahr 2014 jährt sich zum 60. Male die Gründung der Hessischen Landeszentrale für politische Bildung. Was liegt da näher, als dieses Jubiläum zum Anlass einer aktuellen Standortbestimmung unseres B …
Thorsten Faas & Kai Arzheimer: Information – Wahrnehmung – Emotion
Mit dem Aufkommen der politischen Psychologie stehen politische Informationen und ihre Verarbeitung im Fokus des Interesses der Wahl- und Einstellungsforschung: Wie sieht das Informationsumfeld in mo …
Thorsten Faas & Kai Arzheimer: Koalitionen, Kandidaten, Kommunikation
Der Band liefert empirische Analysen zur Bundestagswahl 2009. Dabei beleuchtet er insbesondere die bei dieser Wahl außergewöhnlichen Aspekte: die niedrige Wahlbeteiligung (und ihre Hintergründe), die …
Uwe Backes & Patrick Moreau: The Extreme Right in Europe
The present work deals not only with the well-organized right extremism in modern Europe as well as with its function in proper political parties, but equally includes two additional, broader approac …
Kai Arzheimer & Jocelyn Evans: SAGE Handbook of Electoral Behaviour
The study of voting behaviour remains a vibrant sub-discipline of political science. The Handbook of Electoral Behaviour is an authoritative and wide ranging survey of this dynamic field, drawing tog …
Kai Arzheimer: Strukturgleichungsmodelle
Strukturgleichungsmodelle haben sich in den letzten Jahren zu einem Standardverfahren der Sozialforschung entwickelt. Bislang fehlt es aber an einer anwendungsorientierten Einführung für Politikwisse …