Der polnisch-jüdische Soziologe Aleksander Hertz (1895-1983) war der bedeutendste Vertreter der Faschismus- und Totalitarismusforschung im Polen der 1930er Jahre. Der deutsche Überfall auf Polen zwang ihn, in die USA zu emigrieren. Seine Arbeiten zirkulierten lange Zeit nur in studentischen Kreisen. Erst Ende der 1980er Jahre konnten sie wieder in Polen erscheinen.
12 Ebooks by Katarzyna Stoklosa
Aleksander Hertz: Skizzen über den Totalitarismus
Das Buch versammelt vier Schlüsselaufsätze des polnisch-jüdischen Soziologen Aleksander Hertz (1895-1983) aus den 1930er Jahren über die neuen Diktaturen im zeitgenössischen Europa. Zwei der Aufsätze …
Gerhard Besier & Katarzyna Stoklosa: Neighbourhood Perceptions of the Ukraine Crisis
Recent events in Ukraine and Russia and the subsequent incorporation of Crimea into the Russian state, with the support of some circles of inhabitants of the peninsula, have shown that the desire of …
Gerhard Besier & Katarzyna Stoklosa: Neighbourhood Perceptions of the Ukraine Crisis
Recent events in Ukraine and Russia and the subsequent incorporation of Crimea into the Russian state, with the support of some circles of inhabitants of the peninsula, have shown that the desire of …
Gerhard (Dresden University of Technology, Germany) Besier & Katarzyna (University of Southern Denmark) Stoklosa: European Border Regions in Comparison
Borders exist in almost every sphere of life. Initially, borders were established in connection with kingdoms, regions, towns, villages and cities. With nation-building, they became important as a li …
Gerhard (Dresden University of Technology, Germany) Besier & Katarzyna (University of Southern Denmark) Stoklosa: European Border Regions in Comparison
Borders exist in almost every sphere of life. Initially, borders were established in connection with kingdoms, regions, towns, villages and cities. With nation-building, they became important as a li …
Gerhard Besier & Katarzyna Stoklosa: European Dictatorships
How could it happen that continental Europe became a "Europe of the Dictatorships" in the twentieth century? It requires some effort to understand such processes. It is insufficient to obse …
Gerhard (Dresden University of Technology) Besier & Katarzyna (University of Southern Denmark) Stoklosa: 1917 and the Consequences
The Russian Revolution of 1917 has been one of the most important events of modern history. It changed the course of the events not only in Russia but, on a wider scale, across the world while it inf …
Gerhard (Dresden University of Technology) Besier & Katarzyna (University of Southern Denmark) Stoklosa: 1917 and the Consequences
The Russian Revolution of 1917 has been one of the most important events of modern history. It changed the course of the events not only in Russia but, on a wider scale, across the world while it inf …
Dimiter Daphinoff & Franziska Metzger: Ausdehnung der Zeit
Der erste Band der Reihe ‘Erinnerungsräume’, zu welchem Autorinnen und Autoren aus der Schweiz, Deutschland, Österreich, Dänemark, Polen und den USA beitragen, legt konzeptionelle und thematische Lin …
Daniel Brennan & Marguerite La Caze: Hannah Arendt and the History of Thought
Hannah Arendt and the History of Thought, edited by Daniel Brennan and Marguerite La Caze, enrichens and deepens scholarship on Arendt’s relation to philosophical history and traditions. Some contrib …
Gerhard Besier & Katarzyna Stoklosa: Neither Good Nor Bad
When confronted by a range of violent actions perpetrated by lone individuals, contemporary society exhibits a constant tendency to react in terms of helpless, even perplexed horror. Seeking explanat …
Gerhard Besier & Katarzyna Stoklosa: Jehovah’s Witnesses in Europe
The history of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Europe has always been one of persecution. This third volume documents this history, turning eastward. For the first time, the circumstances of a religious minor …