Throw out gradebooks and meet the assessment system of the future!
Most educators take for granted that ‘A-through-F’ grades are the best measure of learning. But Mark Barnes’s formula for feedback, titled SE2R (Summarize, Explain, Redirect, Resubmit), has delivered stunning results to the forward-thinking schools that have tried it.
Now you can tap into the power of SE2R to supercharge student learning and accountability. The method in this book will loosen and then break your classroom’s dependence on traditional grading systems that do little more than silence student voices.
Delving into what really motivates students, the book covers:
- How GPA is a classic example of ‘the tail wagging the dog’
- Utilizing mobile devices and social networks to maximize the benefits of SE2R
- Addressing and overcoming bureaucratic resistance to change
- Real-life case studies proving SE2R’s viability
Your greatest responsibility is to your students. Don’t wait another day to start dismantling the grading system that is currently ‘failing’ them all.
‘Revolutionary. Why? Tossing out grades does not equate tossing out learning. We spend a lot of time talking about data and growth. In Assessment 3.0, Mark Barnes focuses on the revelation and growth of the Independent Learner- our students. This is a great read for any teacher or administrator.’
—Creed Anthony, Teacher/Writer of ‘Your Parent-Teacher Conference’ weekly column on Lifeof
‘Mark Barnes is a leader and revolutionary voice in the movement to rid our educational system of an outdated assessment model. In Assessment 3.0, he delivers a persuasive pitch that current grading practices are both poor reflections of learning and damaging to students. Not only does he clearly define the problem, he offers a powerful solution with his SE2R model and delivers a blueprint for implementation that can transform classrooms and schools.’
—Dave Burgess, Educator, Professional Development Speaker, and Author of Teach Like a Pirate
‘Barnes is bold, insightful and right! It is time to not only throw out your grade books, but all the misinformation in your brains that supports the need for grades! None of us became teachers so we could have color-coded grade books. We became educators to make a difference in the minds of our students. This book shows us how!’
—Russell J. Quaglia, President/Founder
Quaglia Institute for Student Aspirations
‘This text contains outstanding resources for communicating to stakeholders who care about how assessment systems can impact student behaviors and performances. If you are interested in changing how students and teachers view traditional grading systems, this book is a must read. Assessment 3.0 can be a revolutionary tool.’
—D. Allan Bruner, National Board Certified Teacher
Colton High School, Colton, OR
‘Mark has done something important in writing this book. He argues–clearly and with hope–for specific, actionable change right now in our early 21st century classrooms. Here′s the potential, here′s the problem, and here′s a way forward. This is a practical model for ed reform in general.’
—Terry Heick, Director of Teach Thought
‘Nothing destroys a student’s creativity and passion for learning as fast or as completely as grades. Mark Barnes examines how that happens In Assessment 3.0, but he does much more than simply critique standard assessment tools, which have remained virtually unchanged in America for over 100 years. The veteran teacher guides readers through a fascinating investigation of how throwing out grades, while embracing digitally-enhanced independent learning, fosters a superior learning environment—one that also does a far better job of developing real-world skills that prepare students to excel in the world of tomorrow. This book has completely transformed how I approach teaching, and I can’t recommend it highly enough to anybody interested in the future not just of education but also our nation.’
—David Cutler, National Association of Independent Schools Teacher of the Future
ontributor, The Atlantic and Edutopia
Table of Content
Chapter 1: The Trouble With Assessment 2.0
Chapter 2: When 2 + 2 Doesn′t Equal 4
Chapter 3: SE2R–A Formula for Change
Chapter 4: Coppell Middle School East
Chapter 5: Involving Students
Chapter 6: Feedback in a Digital World
Chapter 7: Tips for Success
Appendix A: Feedback From the Field
Appendix B: SE2R Feedback Quick-Reference Guide
Appendix C: SE2R Feedback You Can Use Today
About the author
Mark Barnes is a veteran classroom teacher, education consultant, and author of the critically acclaimed Role Reversal: Achieving Uncommonly Excellent Results in the Student-Centered Classroom (ASCD, 2013), The 5-Minute Teacher (ASCD, 2013) and Teaching the i Student (Corwin, 2014). A longtime adjunct professor at two Ohio colleges, Mark has created five online courses on web-based instruction, mobile learning, and using Twitter in the classroom and as a professional development tool. A leading expert on student-centered learning, Mark has helped thousands of educators build digitally enhanced, project-based, no-grades classrooms. Mark is the creator of the internationally recognized how-to video site for educators, Learn it in 5, and publisher of the popular education blog Brilliant or Insane. Named a Top 10 education technology blog by Ed Tech Magazine in 2014, B or I inspires hundreds of thousands of loyal readers. Mark’s Facebook group, Teachers Throwing Out Grades, is a growing collection of educators dedicated to changing the way learning is assessed, and this group helped launch the #Throw Out Grades Challenge. Mark can be found sharing information and articles about best practices in education daily on Twitter at @markbarnes19. the author′s TED talk here: O5Pv YG4