Researchers in the environmental sciences are often frustrated because actors involved with practice do not follow their advice. This is the starting point of this book, which describes a new model for scientific knowledge transfer called RIU, for Research, Integration and Utilization. This model sees the factors needed for knowledge transfer as being state-of-the-art research and the effective, practical utilization to which it leads, and it highlights the importance of “integration”, which in this context means the active bi‐directional selection of those research results that are relevant for practice. In addition, the model underscores the importance of special allies who are powerful actors that support the application of scientific research results in society. An important product of this approach is a checklist of factors for successful knowledge transfer that will be useful for scientists. By using this checklist, research projects and research programs can be optimised with regard to their potential for reaching successful knowledge transfer effects.
Table of Content
1. Making science work in policy and politics.- 2. The RIU model as analytical framework for scientific knowledge transfer.- 3. Case studies.- 4. Theoretical foundations of RIU.- 5. Outlook – further potential applications of the RIU model.- List of tables and figures.
About the author
Dr. Michael Böcher is senior researcher in the Forest and Nature Conservation Policy Group at the University of Göttingen. His research interests are environmental policy analysis, regional governance, and scientific knowledge transfer for sustainability. [email protected]
Professor Max Krott holds the Chair of Forest and Nature Conservation Policy at the University of Göttingen. He has extensive experience in the analysis, support and management of environmental research, topics he has investigated for 25 years. [email protected]