It’s time to modernize our teaching methods for student success
Modern teaching is not about your ability to deploy a flashy education app or attract Tik Tok followers. Instead, it’s a mindset where you keep student success at the forefront of your instruction. Today’s teachers have a unique opportunity to reflect on their values, rethink their lessons, and reevaluate what is essential to meet the needs of modern students. In Hacking Modern Teaching, Mike Roberts, an award-winning middle school educator and instructional coach, offers modern teaching hacks to help today’s teachers:
- Build flexible learning supports to maximize student success
- Offer multiple ways for students to demonstrate authentic learning
- Understand where students are socially and emotionally
- Communicate in simple, authentic ways
- Deliver learning in small doses to increase engagement
Table of Content
Introduction …………………………………… 11
Where We Were, Where We Are, and Where We’re Going
Hack 1: Revamp the Meaning of Normal …………. 15
Reimagine Education
Hack 2: Understand Where Students Are Socially and Emotionally
…………………………………… 29
Get to the Heart of the Matter
Hack 3: Increase the Use of Formative Assessments .. 45
Don’t Let Last Year’s Students Guide This Year’s Learning
Hack 4: Realize That the Little Things Are the Big Things
………………………………………… 59
Rethink Daily Routines
Hack 5: Establish a Quality-Over-Quantity Mindset .. 73
Implement a Less-Is-More Mentality
Hack 6: Make the Learning Bite-Sized ……………. 87
Deliver Learning in Small Doses to Increase Engagement
Hack 7: Keep It Real …………………………… 101
Develop Authentic Engagement Opportunities
Hack 8: Take One Step Back to Take Two Steps Forward ………………………………………
Teach Like Everything Old Is New Again
Hack 9: Become a Silly Putty Teacher …………… 129
Flexible Supports to Maximize Student Learning
Hack 10: Touch Base to Save Face………………. 143
Broaden the Communication Cycle
Conclusion …………………………………… 157
From Struggle Comes Growth
Five Bonus Mini-Hacks ………………………… 159
Self-Assessment, In-Class Grading, Healthy Routines, Celebrating Victories, and Accepting Helping
About the Author……………………………….. 201
Acknowledgments ………………………………. 203
More from Times 10 …………………………….. 205
Resources from Times 10 …………………………. 209