Meet Homer, a normal boy in every respect but one: he reads at an intergalactic speed. One morning in church, as a way to stay out of trouble, Homer began to read the Old Testament. As he raced past kings, battles and talking donkeys, Homer was reading and having a ball. The Old Testament, he learned, is quite thrilling, and all of its stories deserve top billing!
Homers story is paired with a Readers Guide to more stories in the Old Testament. Those stories reveal God as the creator of the universe and as the author of an audacious plan for redemption and reconciliation.
Arranged chronologically, the guide is swept along by the current of the Old Testament narrative, all the way to the advent of the Messiah. As that narrative flows into the New Testament, Old and New Testament connections are clearly presented.
So grab your Bible and an imaginary camera, and join Homer as we dive into the Bible.
Mengenai Pengarang
Michelle Edwards and Barbara Boyd have taught in both private and public schools. However, their most rewarding educational experience is in teaching God’s Word, as they point to the source of life and true wisdom, God himself, as he is revealed in his Son Jesus and the Bible.