To borrow imagery from C. S. Lewis’s The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Timothy George’s perspective as a historical theologian is the wardrobe that we can walk through to get to Narnia, an exciting new place where we discover the wonderful works of Augustine, Aquinas, Calvin, Luther, Wesley, and many others. George is one of the most respected church historians, theologians, and Christian educators of our time. But how did this Baptist preacher from Tennessee become a premier church historian and follow in the footsteps of great historians like the Harvard scholar George Huntston Williams (who was a Unitarian), the Duke scholar David Steinmetz (who was a Methodist), and the Yale scholar Jaroslav Pelikan (who was a Lutheran and later Eastern Orthodox)? This book will uncover how each of these influences contributed to George’s eye-opening, heart-warming, and kingdom-advancing approach to the study of church history.
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David S. Dockery is President of Union University in Jackson, Tennessee and a member of the board of ‘Christianity Today, where he also serves as a consulting editor. In 2002, Dockery was named a Distinguished Alumnus of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is a graduate of the University of Alabama-Birmingham, Grace Theological Seminary, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and Texas Christian University, and he holds a Ph.D. in Humanities from the University of Texas system. Dockery’s other books include ‘Seeking the Kingdom: The Sermon on the Mount Made Practical’ (co-authored with David E. Garland), ‘Basic Christian Beliefs’, and the ‘Holman Guide to Interpreting the Bible’ (co-authored with George Guthrie).