Prayers in the Depth of the Storm: Reclaiming Your Faith through Prayer presents a collection of poems and prayers that explores the struggles of daily life, the challenges to faith, and the riches of Gods grace that stand against all adversity. By spending some time with the reflections of Orita Mitchell in Prayers in the Depth of the Storm, all who face lifes struggles will find nourishment for their faith.
While one might wonder whether the trials of life are worthy of Gods attention, Orita Mitchell takes to heart the opportunity to show how all aspects of human life matter. In Pain-free with Jesus, for instance, she describes how the Lord touches her life, even in those small moments of physical discomfort, as she writes, I ask the Lord to give me peace / when I jump or move in / pain so that the aches I feel / wont drive me insane.
Prayers in the Depth of the Storma collection of poems and prayersreaches out with a supporting hand to anyone who faces difficult times in life and who seeks the strength that only God can give.
Mengenai Pengarang
Denise is a cancer survivor and the author of God Is My Pilot. She counsels women to see the support that faith and meditation offer in overcoming life’s challenges. She owns Sweet Melody Greetings Inc., an online novelty gift shop, and lives with Stephon, her husband, in Dothan, Alabama.