Imam Nawawi’s commentary on Sahih Muslim is one of the most highly regarded works in Islamic thought and literature. Accepted by every sunni school of thought, and foundational in the Shaafi school, this text, available for the first time in English, is famed throughout the Muslim world. After the Qur’an, the prophetic traditions are the most recognised source of wisdom in Islam. Amongst the collected Hadith, Sahih Muslim is second only to the the collection of Imam Bukhari. With a commentary by Imam Nawawi, whose other works are amongst the most widely-read books on Islam, and translated by Adil Salahi, a modern scholar of great acclaim, this immense work, finally available to English readers, is an essential addition to every Muslim library, and for anybody with an interest in Islamic thought.
Jadual kandungan
Book of Funeral Prayer (Continued)
Chapter 14: Covering the Deceased’s Body
Chapter 15: Choosing a Good Shroud
Chapter 16: A Fast Pace in Funerals
Chapter 17: The Importance of the Funeral Prayer
Chapter 18: One Hundred to Intercede for the Deceased
Chapter 19: Forty to Intercede for the Deceased
Chapter 20: When a Deceased Person is Praised or Otherwise
Chapter 21: Resting and Rested From
Chapter 22: Glorification in Funeral Prayer
Chapter 23: Funeral Prayer at a Grave
Chapter 24: Standing up for a Funeral
Chapter 25: Abrogation of Standing up for a Funeral
Chapter 26: Supplication for the Deceased during the Funeral Prayer
Chapter 27: Where Does the Imam Stand?
Chapter 28: Riding after the Funeral Prayer
Chapter 29: Making a Groove and Raising the Bricks
Chapter 30: Placing Some Material in the Grave
Chapter 31: Graves Should Be Levelled
Chapter 32: Disallowing the Plastering of a Grave
Chapter 33: Prohibition of Sitting on a Grave and Praying Towards It
Chapter 34: Offering the Funeral Prayer in a Mosque
Chapter 35: What to Say When Entering a Graveyard
Chapter 36: The Prophet’s Request for Permission to Visit His Mother’s Grave
Chapter 37: The Funeral Prayer for One Who Commits Suicide
12: Book of Zakat
Chapter: No Zakat for What Is Below the Threshold
Chapter 1: Higher Rates of Zakat
Chapter 2: No Zakat Payable for Slaves or Horses
Chapter 3: Paying Zakat in Advance and Withholding it
Chapter 4: Zakat al-Fiṭr Payable in Dates and Barley by Muslims
Chapter 5: Zakat al-Fiṭr Must Be Paid before the Eid Prayer
Chapter 6: The Sin of Withholding Zakat
Chapter 7: Keeping Zakat Collectors Happy
Chapter 8: Grave Punishments for Withholding Zakat
Chapter 9: Urging Voluntary Donations [i.e. Ṣadaqah]
Chapter 10: Hoarding Wealth
Chapter 11: What Is Spent Will Be Replaced
Chapter 12: The Best Ways of Spending
Chapter 13: Start with Oneself
Chapter 14: Charity to Relatives, Spouses, Children and Parents Even if they are Unbelievers
Chapter 15: Rewarding the Dead for Ṣadaqah Done on Their Behalf
Chapter 16: Ṣadaqah Covers All Good Actions
Chapter 17: Being Generous or Stingy
Chapter 18: Give Charity Before It Is Too Late
Chapter 19: Ṣadaqah from Good Earnings Accepted and Multiplied
Chapter 20: Even a Small Charity Shields from the Fire
Chapter 21: The Prohibition against Belittling Charity
Chapter 22: A Special Kind of Charity
Chapter 23: The Generous and the Miser
Chapter 24: Ṣadaqah Earns its Reward, No Matter Who Benefits
Chapter 25: Reward for Ṣadaqah on Behalf of Someone Else
Chapter 26: When a Slave Gives a Charity from His Master’s Money
Chapter 27: Combining Charity with Other Good Deeds
Chapter 28: Charity Not to Be Counted
Chapter 29: Even a Little Charity Is Fine
Chapter 30: A Charity is Better in Private
Chapter 31: The Best Charity is by One Who is Healthy and Parsimonious
Chapter 32: The Upper Hand Better than the Lower One
Chapter 33: The Prohibition against Begging
Chapter 34: Definition of a Needy Person
Chapter 35: Disapproval of Begging
Chapter 36: Permission to Beg
Chapter 37: Permissible to Take What is Freely Given
Chapter 38: Seeking Worldly Comforts
Chapter 39: Two Valleys of Money and Wanting More
Chapter 40: True Richness
Chapter 41: Fearing Plentiful Harvests
Chapter 42: Merits of Self Restraint and Patient Endurance
Chapter 43: On Being Content with Limited Means
Chapter 44: To Give to the Rude
Chapter 45: Gifts to Strengthen Faith
Chapter 46: Gifts to Win People’s Hearts
Chapter 47: Description of the Khawārij
Chapter 48: Encouraging Killing the Khawārij
Chapter 49: The Khawārij: the Worst of Creation
Chapter 50: No Zakat for God’s Messenger and His Household
Chapter 51: No Zakat Officers from Members of the Prophet’s Household
Chapter 52: The Permissibility of Gifts for the Prophet
Chapter 53: The Prophet Accepted Gifts and Returned Charity
Chapter 54: Prayer for the One Who Brings Some Charity
Chapter 55: Pleasing the Zakat Collector
13. Book of Fasting
Chapter 1: The Importance of the Month of Ramadan
Chapter 2: Moonsighting for the Start and End of Ramadan
Chapter 3: Prohibition of Fasting a Day or Two Ahead of Ramadan
Chapter 4: A Month of 29 Days
Chapter 5: Every Town Does its Own Sighting
Chapter 6: The Size of the New Moon is Unimportant
Chapter 7: The Two Eid Months Are Never Short
Chapter 8: Fasting Starts at Break of Dawn
Chapter 9: A Late Meal Before Fasting and an Immediate End to the Fasting Day
Chapter 10: When Does Fasting End?
Chapter 11: The Prohibition against Continued Fasting
Chapter 12: A Kiss on a Day of Fasting
Chapter 13: Starting the Fast in a State of Ceremonial Impurity
Chapter 14: Strict Prohibition of Sexual Intercourse During Fasting
Chapter 15: To Fast or not to Fast during Travel?
Chapter 16: Reward for Active Non-Fasting Person during Travel
Chapter 17: Fasting and Travelling: a Free Choice
Chapter 18: Pilgrims Should not Fast at Arafat
Chapter 19: Fasting on 10 Muḥarram
Chapter 20: Which Day to Fast at ꜤĀshūrāʾ?
Chapter 21: Refraining from Eating on the ꜤĀshūrāʾ Day
Chapter 22: No Fasting on Eid Days
Chapter 23: No Fasting on the Tashrīq Days
Chapter 24: Friday Should Not Be a Single Day of Fasting
Chapter 25: Abrogation of the Substitute for Fasting
Chapter 26: Delaying Compensatory Fasting
Chapter 27: Compensatory Fasting on Behalf of a Deceased Person
Chapter 28: How a Fasting Person Should Answer an Invitation to Eat
Chapter 29: Proper Speech during Fasting
Chapter 30: Why Do We Fast
Chapter 31: Fasting When Engaged in God’s Cause
Chapter 32: Voluntary Fasting Intended during Day Time
Chapter 33: To Forget and Eat When Fasting
Chapter 34: The Prophet’s Fasting in Other Months
Chapter 35: No Permanent Fasting
Chapter 36: Desirable Fasting
Chapter 37: Fasting the Middle Days of ShaꜤbān
Chapter 38: Fasting during al-Muḥarram
Chapter 39: Fasting Six Days from Shawwāl
Chapter 40: The Night of Power
Mengenai Pengarang
Adil Salahi is a scholar, author and translator, who has written or translated into English various books on Islam. After working for the BBC Arabic Service for several years, he worked for the Arabic daily, al-Sharq al-Awsat. He continues to publish many Articles in various Publications including , Arab News, a an English daily published in Saudi Arabia. Adil Salahi taught at the Markfield Institute of Higher Education, Leicester, England. His popular biography of the Prophet, Muhammad: Man and Prophet, is widely respected and has been translated into multiple languages.