The everything-you-need to know adult guide to the Episcopal Church.
This updated and revised edition incorporates new initiatives and changes in the Episcopal Church, including marriage, inclusion of LBGTQ+ persons, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s call to join the Jesus Movement, and taking our faith out into the world. A Leader Guide is included in this revised edition in addition to the “transformation questions” that follow each chapter.
Easy to read but with substance for newcomers, adult formation groups, and lifelong Episcopalians, this book is for all who desire to know more about the Episcopal Church.
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Bill Lewellis served as Communication Minister on the staffs of two bishops in the Diocese of Bethlehem for 25 years before his 2009 retirement. Prior to that, he served in a similar capacity on the staff of the RC bishop of the Diocese of Allentown for 15 years. He continues to publish the new Spin blog and a biweekly new Spin newsletter for the Diocese of Bethlehem. He earned an STL at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. He lives in Whitehall, Pennsylvania.