Algorithms and Networking for Computer Games is an essential
guide to solving the algorithmic and networking problems of modern
commercial computer games, written from the perspective of a
computer scientist. Combining algorithmic knowledge and
game-related problems, the authors discuss all the common
difficulties encountered in game programming.
The first part of the book tackles algorithmic problems by
presenting how they can be solved practically. As well as
‘classical’ topics such as random numbers, tournaments and game
trees, the authors focus on how to find a path in, create the
terrain of, and make decisions in the game world. Part two
introduces networking related problems in computer games and
focuses on three key questions: how to hide the inherent
communication delay, how to utilize limited network resources, and
how to cope with cheating.
Algorithms and Networking for Computer Games provides a
comprehensive resource that offers deeper algorithmic insight into
game programming and explains game-specific network considerations.
Read on for…
* Algorithmic solutions in pseudo code format, which not only
emphasizes the idea behind the solution, but also can easily be
written into the programming language of your choice.
* A section on the Synthetic player, covering decision-making,
influence maps, finite-state machines, flocking, fuzzy sets and
probabilistic reasoning.
* In-depth treatment of network communication including dead
reckoning, local perception filters and cheating prevention.
* 51 ready-to-use algorithms and 178 illustrative exercises.
Algorithms and Networking for Computer Games is a
must-read text for advanced undergraduate and graduate students on
computer game-related courses, postgraduate researchers in
game-related topics, and game developers interested in new
approaches and the theoretical background to games.
Jadual kandungan
List of Figures.
List of Tables.
List of Algorithms.
1. Introduction.
1.1 Anatomy of Computer Games.
1.2 Synthetic Players.
1.3 Multi-playing.
1.4 Games and Storytelling.
1.5 Other Game Design Considerations.
1.6 Outline of the Book.
1.7 Summary.
I: Algorithms.
2. Random Numbers.
2.1 Linear Congruential Method.
2.2 Discrete Finite Distributions.
2.3 Random Shuffling.
2.4 Creating Game Worlds.
2.5 Summary.
3. Tournaments.
3.1 Rank Adjustment Tournaments.
3.2 Elimination Tournaments.
3.3 Scoring Tournaments.
3.4 Summary.
4. Game Trees.
4.1 Minimax.
4.2 Alpha-Beta Pruning.
4.3 Games of Chance.
4.4 Summary.
5. Path Finding.
5.1 Discretization of the Game World.
5.2 Finding the Minimum Path.
5.3 Realizing the Movement.
5.4 Summary.
6. Decision-making.
6.1 Background.
6.2 Finite State Machines.
6.3 Flocking.
6.4 Influence Maps.
6.5 Summary.
7. Modelling Uncertainty.
7.1 Statistical Reasoning.
7.2 Fuzzy Sets.
7.3 Fuzzy Constraint Satisfaction Problem.
7.4 Summary.
II: Networking.
8. Communication Layers.
8.1 Physical Platform.
8.2 Logical Platform.
8.3 Networked Application.
8.4 Summary.
9. Compensating Resource Limitations.
9.1 Aspects of Compensation.
9.2 Protocol Optimization.
9.3 Dead Reckoning.
9.4 Local Perception Filters.
9.5 Synchronized Simulation.
9.6 Area-of-interest Filtering.
9.7 Summary.
10. Cheating Prevention.
10.1 Technical Exploitations.
10.2 Rule Violations.
10.3 Summary.
A. Pseudo-code Conventions.
A.1 Changing the Flow of Control.
A.2 Data Structures.
A.3 Format of Algorithms.
A.4 Conversion to Existing Programming Languages.
Mengenai Pengarang
Jouni Smed is currently a researcher and lecturer in
Department of Information Technology, University of Turku,
Finland. His research concentrates on computer games,
optimization, and scheduling algorithms.
Harri Hakonen is a researcher and lecturer in the
department of Information Technology, University of Turku.
His research interests include algorithms for computer games,
string algorithmics, and software construction.