Quantumanisme, as you’ve probably guessed, is a fusion between two words,
‘Quantum’ sciences and ‘humanisme’.
The painting issued are all at the same time:
1 and zero
hot and cold,
black and white,
figurative and abstract,
macrocosm and micrcosm.
Every single images we see in our life (macrocosm) has another image inside us. This is the image we are interested in, and forget about everything else. It’s a result of harsh work on ‘perspective’ as the structure of all art painting. It’s interiorised insted of exteriorisation. So the external ‘Rhythms’ break one after another, so give place to a new perspective and authentic one. Our mentality is formatted as the old simple computer. But we’re at the age of quantum computer. It’s time to accept the changes.
My paintings are full of music and my poems are fully pictorials.
In two words, the quantumanisme is ‘THE PUZZLE’ of never ending life, and the result of ten’s of years of meditation and work.
Mengenai Pengarang
Why do we do art painting? Here is the qustion!
Answer, for me, there was nobody around me to paint as I wanted it to be.
Born in 1962, the 28th of November in Tehran/Iran, in a modest family of 8. Resident in Brussels/Belgium since 1985 neer returning there at all. First he did 3 successful years in Medicine but after 3 years he gave up. But is was far away to an end to all. It was 1989 and he joined the royal fine arts academy (painting) where he was finally graduated in 2006 although he was not there for a graduation paper but only a need for a place to work on living models.
The first disformation appeared quite soon (1992), from then on, his art works present a high tendencies towards the “Quatumanisme” where he is the pioneer. The book presents the manifestation of it, with many exhibitions all around Europe during 30 years hard work.
“I have the passion for art painting all my life and more!” He says.
He joined the Christianity in 2009, where he lived “The romance of his life” as he confesses about it.
He is married and has a baby, son.