Everyone needs more time to think. Choosing how to spend our thought-time is crucial. Mark Eckel brings thirty years of Christian reflective study experience to bear on the topic. I Just Need Time to Think! spotlights encouragement on the goal of thoughtful learning for every follower of Christ. 52 brief essays support us to:
Slow down in a fast-paced culture
Replace distractions with peaceful focus
Adjust schedules for retreat
Discipline our minds
Commit to reading
Promote the vocation of student
Sidestep the obstacles of study
Continue down the path of learning
Establish a place to think
Change the character, the core of our being
I Just Need Time to Think! Reflective Study as Christian Practice is a call for Christians everywhere to spend their thought-time well, applying the psalmists wisdom:
Great are the works of the Lord, studied by all who delight in them (Psalm 111:2)
Mengenai Pengarang
Dr. Mark Eckel (Th M, Ph D) is a Professor of Leadership, Education, and Discipleship at Capital Seminary and Graduate School. Most of Dr. Eckel’s life has been committed to many forms of study. For over thirty years Mark has served the Christian community as a high school teacher, college professor, educational consultant, conference speaker, mentor, essayist, movie reviewer, curriculum writer, faith-learning integration leader, and international speaker. Mark’s wife, Robin, is a second grade Christian school teacher. They have two grown children, Tyler and Chelsea. Mark and Robin are members of and contribute their gifts to Crossroads Community Church in Fishers, Indiana.
Many of Mark’s writings can be accessed at
where he writes weekly.