Educators clamor to provide top-notch lessons and resources for students, but if students lack executive function, even the best materials won”t produce the desired results. If students haven’t developed the brain-based skills to focus, catch and correct errors, identify cause-and-effect relationships, and more, they can”t make sense of lessons. Executive function is the missing link to student achievement. But how can you develop this in the classroom?
In this new book, bestselling author Nancy Sulla has the answers. She explains how building executive function requires a combination of activities, structures, and teacher facilitation strategies aimed at six increasingly complex life skills that should be the goal of any school: conscious control, engagement, collaboration, empowerment, efficacy, and leadership. She also offers a variety of examples, activities, and structures fit for every grade level and subject area. With the book’s practical strategies and tools, you will be inspired, armed, and ready to establish a clear framework for building executive function in all your students.