Propaganda and Persuasion, Eighth Edition offers a comprehensive history of propaganda and introduces the tools and concepts used to analyze it. New author Nancy Snow ushers in fresh perspectives, experience, and insight as one of the foremost scholars in propaganda studies to further augment the ideas, concepts, and analytical framework introduced by original authors Garth Jowett and Victoria O′Donnell. Ideal for courses in Persuasion, Propaganda, or Political Communication, this book draws on examples from ancient times to present-day issues, such as the impact of social media, to help students recognize, understand, and analyze the instances of propaganda and persuasion they encounter in an increasingly complex and digitalized world.
Jadual kandungan
Chapter 1: What Is Propaganda, and How Does It Differ From Persuasion?
Propaganda Defined
Jowett and O’Donnell’s Definition of Propaganda
Forms of Propaganda
Subpropaganda/Facilitative Communication
Chapter 2: A Model of Propaganda
Communication Defined
Propaganda and Information
Propaganda and Persuasion
Persuasion Defined
Persuasion Is Transactional
Responses to Persuasion
Group Norms
Persuasion Seeks Voluntary Change
Misleading and Manipulating an Audience
Rhetorical Background and the Ethics of Persuasion
Rhetoric and Propaganda
Propaganda as a Form of Communication
Concealed Purpose
Concealed Identity
Control of Information Flow
The Management of Public Opinion
The Manipulation of Behavior
The Demagogue/Propagandist
Overview of the Book
Chapter 3: Propaganda Through the Ages
Ancient Greece and Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great
Imperial Rome
Propaganda and Religion
The Rise of Christianity
The Crusades
The Reformation and Counter-Reformation
The Counter-Reformation
The Emergence of Propaganda
The American Revolution
The French Revolution and Napoleon
Propaganda in the 19th Century: The American Civil War
Chapter 4: Propaganda Institutionalized
The New Audience
The Emergence of Mass Society
The Emergence of the Propaganda Critique
The New Media
Print Media
Oliver Stone’s Untold History of the United States`
Hollywood and Washington Nexus
Michael Moore and Fahrenheit 9/11
Current International Radio Propaganda
U.S. Government International Broadcasting
Radio and TV Marti
The Nature of Television
Television as Propaganda
The Emergence of Cable News
Advertising: The Ubiquitous Propaganda
Institutional Propaganda
Digital Advertising
The Science of Advertising
The Role of Advertising in Persuasion Digital Propaganda Threats: Intentional Mischief and Malice
Chapter 5: Propaganda and Persuasion Examined
The Modern Study of Propaganda and Persuasion
Propaganda in World War I
The Aftermath of World War I and the Growing Concern About Propaganda
The Social Sciences and the Study of Propaganda
Research in Propaganda and Persuasion
The Study of Attitudes
World War II and Research in Communication
The Yale Studies
Consistency Theories
Theory of Exposure Learning
Social Judgment Theory
Resistance to Persuasion
Mc Guire’s Model of Persuasion
Diffusion of Innovations
Recent Research on Attitudes
Research on Persuasion and Behavior
The Influence of the Media
Violence and the Media
Cultivation Studies
Prosocial Behaviors and Television
The Agenda-Setting Function of the Media
Uses and Gratifications Theory
Uses and Dependency Theory
The Internet and Digital Innovations
Limitations of Effects Research
Cultural Studies
Collective Memory Studies
Generalizations About Propaganda and Persuasion Effects
Chapter 6: Propaganda and Psychological Warfare
World War I and the Fear of Propaganda
British Propaganda
German Propaganda
American Propaganda
Atrocity Propaganda
Reaction to World War I Propaganda
The Interwar Years, 1920 to 1939
The Emergence of Communist Propaganda
American Isolationism
Huey Pierce Long Jr.
Fr. Charles Coughlin, SJ
The Institute for Propaganda Analysis
Hitler and Nazi Propaganda
World War II
Post–World War II Conflicts
The Korean War, 1950 to 1953
The Korean War and the “Brainwashing” Issue
The Vietnam War
The Gulf of Tonkin Incident
“Hearts and Minds”: The Propaganda Campaign
The War
The Media
The 1991 Gulf War: Mobilization of World Public Opinion
Using Metaphor and Imagery in the Gulf War
The “Nayirah” Incident
The Aftermath (2005): The Invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq
A Modern World of Propaganda
International Sports
2020 Summer Olympics
Freedom of Speech and New Technologies
The Patriot Act
Wiki Leaks
Negative Counterpropaganda
Chapter 7: How to Analyze Propaganda
The Ideology and Purpose of the Propaganda Campaign
The Context in Which the Propaganda Occurs
Identification of the Propagandist
The Structure of the Propaganda Organization
The Target Audience
Media Utilization Techniques
Special Techniques to Maximize Effect
Predispositions of the Audience: Creating Resonance
Source Credibility
Opinion Leaders
Face-to-Face Contact
Group Norms
Reward and Punishment
Monopoly of the Communication Source
Visual Symbols of Power
Political Visuals
Architectural Visuals
Language Usage
Music as Propaganda
Arousal of Emotions
Audience Reaction to Various Techniques
Effects and Evaluation
Chapter 8: Propaganda in Action: Four Case Studies
Case Study 1: Women and War: Work, Housing, and Childcare
The Context, Ideology, and Purpose of the Propaganda Campaign
Identification of the Propagandist and the Structure of the Propaganda Organization
The Target Audience
Media Utilization Techniques
Special Techniques to Maximize Effect
Audience Reaction to Various Techniques
Effects and Evaluation
Case Study 2: Propaganda and Climate Change
The Context, Ideology, and Purpose of the Propaganda Campaign
Identification of the Propagandist and Structure of the Propaganda Organization
The Target Audience
Propaganda Techniques
Effects and Evaluation
Case Study 3: Big Pharma: Marketing Disease and Drugs
Ideology and Purpose of the Propaganda Campaign
The Context in Which the Propaganda Occurs: The Medicalization of Society
Identification of the Propagandist and Structure of the Organizations
The Target Audience
Media Utilization Techniques
Special Techniques to Maximize Effects
Television Advertising
“Me-Too” Drugs
Generic Drugs
Clinical Trials
Ghostwritten Articles in Medical Journals
Pharmaceutical Sales Representatives
Opinion Leaders
Targeting the News Media
Audience Reaction to Various Techniques
The Opioid Crisis
Effects and Evaluation
Case Study 4: Pentagon Propaganda
The Propagandists
The Audience
The Various Techniques Employed
The Consequences
Chapter 9: How Propaganda Works in Modern Society
A Model of the Process of Propaganda
Social-Historical Context
The Process of Propaganda
The Institution
Propaganda Agents
Media Methods
The Social Network
The Public
Appendix 1 Confessions of a Hollywood Propagandist
Appendix 2 Jazz Ambassador Dizzy Gillespie
Author Index
Subject Index
About the Authors
Mengenai Pengarang
Victoria O’Donnell is Professor Emerita and former director of the University Honors Program and Professor of Communication at Montana State University–Bozeman. She also taught a seminar in television criticism for the School of Film and Photography at Montana State University. Previously she was the chair of the Department of Speech Communication at Oregon State University and chair of the Department of Communication and Public Address at the University of North Texas. In 1988 she taught for the American Institute of Foreign Studies at the University of London. She received her Ph D from the Pennsylvania State University. She has published articles and chapters in a wide range of journals and books on topics concerning persuasion, the social effects of media, women in film and television, British politics, Nazi propaganda, collective memory, cultural studies theory, and science fiction films of the 1950s. She is also the author (with June Kable) of Persuasion: An Interactive-Dependency Approach, Propaganda and Persuasion (with Garth Jowett), Readings in Propaganda and Persuasion: New and Classic Essays (co-edited with Garth Jowett), Television Criticism, and Speech Communication. She made a film, Women, War, and Work: Shaping Space for Productivity in the Shipyards During World War II, for PBS through KUSM Public Television at Montana State University. She has also written television scripts for environmental films and has done voice-overs for several PBS films. She served on editorial boards of several journals. The recipient of numerous research grants, honors, and teaching awards, including being awarded the Honor Professorship at North Texas State University and the Montana State University Alumni Association and Bozeman Chamber of Commerce Award of Excellence, she has been a Danforth Foundation Associate and a Summer Scholar of the National Endowment for the Humanities. She has taught in Germany and has been a visiting lecturer at universities in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Wales. She has also served as a private consultant to the U.S. government, a state senator, the tobacco litigation plaintiffs, and many American corporations. She is an active volunteer with Intermountain Therapy Animals, taking her Golden Retriever, Gabriel, to the elementary schools where the children read to the dog in the R.E.A.D. program. She writes children’s stories about Gabriel. She is currently writing a novel about Ireland.