This collection of essays is offered in admiration of and in gratitude for the work of Ernest Charles Lucas. The title of the volume acknowledges Ernest’s particular areas of interest and expertise.
The word wisdom comes first for two reasons: firstly because the Bible’s Wisdom literature is a particular love about which Ernest has published a number of books, and secondly because wisdom is a characteristic of the man. Several of the contributions to this volume pick up the theme of biblical wisdom, while others touch on the practical application of a wisdom shaped by the Scriptures to vital contemporary issues.
The second word of the title, science, reflects both Ernest’s first career as a research bio-chemist and his interest as a theologian in exploring the relationship between science and faith. This area of interest is reflected in a number of the contributions to this collection, including Ernest’s passionate interest in and concern about climate change.
The final words of the title are and the Scriptures. Ernest has, at one time or another, taught every part of the Bible and retained a keen interest in the discipline of Biblical Studies. Once again, this is reflected in some of the contributions.
There are other aspects to Ernest Lucas and among them is a love of sport, especially cricket. And so the collection ends with a reflection on this wonderful pastime.
Mengenai Pengarang
John Weaver is a retired Baptist minister; a former tutor and fellow in practical theology at Regent’s Park College Oxford; principal of the Cardiff Baptist College; and dean of the Faculty of Theology, Cardiff University. He is the author of Outside-In: Theological Reflections on Life (2006), Christianity and Science (SCM Core Text) (2010), and, with Phil Jump, Love:Work—Reflections and Prayers for a World at Work (2021).