This treasure of knowledge was one of the last works by Swami Lakshmanjoo. He said, ‘It was a new revelation of the supreme secrets, hidden in the Kashmiri recension of the Bhagavad Gita.’ Based on Abhinavagupta’s commentary of the Gitarthasamgraha, ‘The Essence of the Gita’, Swamiji declared that, ‘this revelation was initiated by his direct experience of the state of Universal God Consciousness. Here Swamiji reveals the unique and liberating teaching of Kashmir Shaivism which proclaims; ‘Freedom from all our miseries, as Abhinavagupta boldly declares, can neither be obtained through renunciation of the world, nor by hatred of the world, but by experiencing the presence of God everywhere.’ At last, the secret and profound meaning of the Bhagavad Gita ‘The Lord’s Song’ is being made available for the spiritual illumination of all humankind.
Mengenai Pengarang
Swami Lakshmanjoo was the last in an unbroken line of Kashmir Shaiva masters. As a boy his life was filled with a spiritual thirst to know and realize God. From a very early age he was filled with spiritual experiences. In fact these experiences were so intense that his parents thought he was suffering from hysteria. They were very concerned and approached their family guru, Swamiji’s grand master Swami Ram, requesting him to help their son with his hysteria. Swami Ram laughed and said to them, ‘Don’t worry, I should have such a disorder.’ As Swamiji grew older his desire to completely realize and apprehend the world of spirituality became paramount. To make this a reality he sat at the feet of his guru Swami Mahatabakak and took up the study and practice of Kashmir Shaivism. He became completely engrossed and enthralled in his spirituality, wholeheartedly practicing day and night, ultimately experiencing the fullness of Kashmir Shaiva realization. It is to his beloved Kashmir Shaivism that he devoted the whole of his life, teaching it to those who asked and translating and commenting on what he considered to be the most important texts of this system. He became renowned as a philosopher saint steeped in the tradition of Kashmir Shaivism. With the growing interest in Kashmir Shaivism over the last thirty years, hardly any publication has appeared without a mention of Swami Lakshmanjoo’s contribution to this unique philosophy.