Volume 3, Number 1, January 2014
Edited by David Cloutier and William C. Mattison III
Moral Reason, Person and Virtue: The Aristotelian-Thomistic Perspective in the Face of Current Challenges from Neurobiology
Martin Rhonheimer
The Desire for Happiness and the Virtues of the Will
Jean Porter
Elevating and Healing: Reflections on Summa Theologiae I-II q. 109, a. 2
John R. Bowlin
The Case for an Exemplarist Approach to Virtue in Catholic Moral Theology
Patrick M. Clark
After White Supremacy? The Viability of Virtue Ethics for Racial Justice
Maureen H. O’Connell
Ends and Virtues
Angela Knobel
Virtue, Action, and the Human Species
Charles R. Pinches
Progress in the Good: A Defense of the Thomistic Unity Thesis
Andrew Kim
Teresa of Avila’s Liberative Humility
Lisa Fullam
Faith, Love, and Stoic Assent: Reconsidering Virtue in the Reformed Tradition
Elizabeth Agnew Cochran
Review Essay: The Resurgence of Virtue in Recent Moral Theology
David Cloutier and William C. Mattison III
Mengenai Pengarang
David Cloutier is Associate Professor of Theology at Mount St. Mary’s University in Emmitsburg, MD. He is the author of Love, Reason, and God’s Story: An Introduction to Catholic Sexual Ethics (2008), as well as a number of articles and book chapters on sexual ethics and moral theology.