Biblical religion is driven by a longing for God’s ultimate order of justice and peace. Most of this longing is steeped in the patriarchal symbols of kingship, monarchs, lords, fathers, and princes. This symbolism came to bind European churches to the legitimation of monarchies and empires for over a millennium. The American and now global experiment separated the churches, with their kingdom language, from government dedicated to democratic, republican, and federal constitutional order. Religious efforts to guide and critique government have subsequently suffered from political irrelevance or theocratic nationalism. Everett lifts up the biblical and classical origins of our present republican experiment to construct a theological position and religious symbolism that can imaginatively engage our present public life with a contemporary language permeated with a transcendent vision.
Mengenai Pengarang
William Johnson Everett taught Christian social ethics for over thirty years in theological schools in the US, Germany, India, and South Africa, before turning to fiction, poetry, and other forms of creative writing. His many books and articles in ethics have been followed by an eco-centric work of historical fiction, Red Clay, Blood River (2008) and Turnings: Poems of Transformation, which appeared from Wipf and Stock in 2013. With the publication of Sawdust and Soul: A Conversation on Woodworking and Spirituality (Wipf and Stock, 2014) written with John De Gruchy, he is now working on a memoir about his grandfather’s work at a copper mine on Cyprus in the 1920s. When not writing, he constructs furniture for worship settings. His online journal is at www.William and his gallery, shared with his wife Sylvia is at www.Wisdoms .