William Langland’s Piers Plowman is one of the major poetic monuments of medieval England and of world literature. Probably composed between 1372 and 1389, the poem survives in three distinct versions. It is known to modern readers largely through the middle of the three, the so-called B-text. Now, George Economou’s verse translation of the poet’s third version makes available for the first time in modern English the final revision of a work that many have regarded as the greate...
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Selected Bibliography
Passus I
Passus II
Passus III
Passus IV
Passus V
Passus VI
Passus VII
Passus VIII
Passus IX
Passus X
Passus XI...
Mengenai Pengarang
George Economou is Professor of English at the University of Oklahoma in Norman. He is the author of The Goddess Natura in Medieval Literature. Among his books of...