Auteur: Andrei Pavlov

Prof. Sachdev has authored several successful books with Springer

3 Ebooks door Andrei Pavlov

Andrei Pavlov & Manoj Sachdev: CMOS SRAM Circuit Design and Parametric Test in Nano-Scaled Technologies
CMOS SRAM Circuit Design and Parametric Test in Nano-Scaled Technologies covers a broad range of topics related to SRAM design and test. From SRAM operation basics through cell electrical and physica …
Andrei Pavlov & Maureen Perrie: Ivan the Terrible
This is the first major re-assessment of Ivan the Terrible to be published in the West in the post-Soviet period. It breaks away from older stereotypes of the tsar – whether as ‘crazed tyrant’ and ‘e …
Andrei Pavlov & Maureen Perrie: Ivan the Terrible
This is the first major re-assessment of Ivan the Terrible to be published in the West in the post-Soviet period. It breaks away from older stereotypes of the tsar – whether as ‘crazed tyrant’ and ‘e …