Engage the Power of Witchcraft through 2023 and Beyond
This is the 2023 version. Please visit www.witchcraftspellsmagick.com for new releases.
The Practicing Witch Diary help you create the most magickal year yet! Direct your energy to achieve calm, happiness, success and soulful fulfilment.
Manifest your intentions in tune with the seasons and moon cycles. Combine magickal practices, set up monthly altars, be guided by tarot readings, and journal your dreams for insight. The Practicing Witch Diary is your Book of Shadows, to document your witchcraft journey through the year.
A must-have diary for All Witches; beginners and aficionado Witches alike.
This book is; How to engage in witchcraft MORE.
An essential must-have!
This book is written by a witch for all witches.
It’s the book I NEEDED and couldn’t find.
Blessed Be, Witches!
WITCHCRAFT ACADEMY Teaching Witches their Craft
by Bec Black | Witchcraft Spells Magick
(Northern Hemisphere Edition also available)
Introduction page 0
What is Magick? p1
Part 1
Mother Nature p3
Eco Witchcraft / Elemental Forces p4-5
Seasonal Change / Solstices and Equinoxes p6-7
Wheel of the Year p8
Witches’ Sabbats p9
Foraging p10
Witch Supplies / Witches Garden p11-12
Herb Record p13
Powerful Plants / Plant Record p14-15
Hearth + Home p16
Everyday Magick p17
Part 2
Witchcraft Practices p19
Energy Work / Inner Witch p20-21
Energy Balancing / Grounding Ritual p22-23
A Witch’s Altar p24-25
Soulful Ambience / Mindful Magick p26-27
Sacred Space p28
Manifesting / Magickal Intent p29-30
Planning Intention p31
Witchcraft Ritual / Planning Rituals p32-33
Part 3
The Universe p35
The Moon p37
Moon Magick p37
2023 Moon Calendar p38
Full Moons 2023 p39
Moon Phases / Moon Mood Tracker p40-41
Lunar Magick p42-43
Moon Cookies / Baked Magick p44-45
Astrology p47
Birth Charts / Reading a Birth Chart p48-49
Birth Record / Birth Chart p50-51
Sun Signs p52-53
12 Houses p54-55
Planet Rulers / Inner Planets p56-57
Outer Planets / Aspects p58-59
Part 4
2023 Diary p61 | Calendar p63
January p64-87: This Month + Tarot p66-67 | Correspondences + Altar p68-69 | Month’s Witchcraft Practice p70-75 | January Weekly p76-87
February p88-109: This Month + Tarot p90-91 | Correspondences + Altar p92-93 | Month’s Witchcraft Practice p94-99 | February Weekly p100-109
March p110-131: This Month + Tarot p12-113 | Correspondences + Altar p114-115 | Month’s Witchcraft Practice p116-121 | March Weekly p122-131
April p132-153: This Month + Tarot p134-135 | Correspondences + Altar p136-137 | Month’s Witchcraft Practice p138-143 | April Weekly p144-153
May p154-175: This Month + Tarot p156-157 | Lunar Eclipse + Altar p158-159 | Month’s Witchcraft Practice p160-165 | May Weekly p166-175
June p176-197: This Month + Tarot p178-179 | Correspondences + Altar p180-181 | Month’s Witchcraft Practice p182-187 | June Weekly p188-197
July p198-221: This Month + Tarot p200-201 | Correspondences + Altar p202-203 | Month’s Witchcraft Practice p204-209 | July Weekly p210-221
August p222-243: This Month + Tarot p224-225 | Correspondences + Altar p226-227 | Month’s Witchcraft Practice p228-233 | August Weekly p234-243
September p244-265: This Month + Tarot p246-247 | Correspondences + Altar p248-249 | Month’s Witchcraft Practice p250-255 | September Weekly p256-265
October p266-289: This Month + Tarot p268-269 | Correspondences + Altar p270-271 | Month’s Witchcraft Practice p272-277 | October Weekly p278-289
November p290-311: This Month + Tarot p292-293 | Full Moons + Altar p294-295 | Month’s Witchcraft Practice p296-301 | November Weekly p302-311
December p312-335: This Month + Tarot p314-315 | Correspondences + Altar p316-3187 | Month’s Witchcraft Practice p318-323 | December Weekly p324-335
Part 5
Dream Journal p337-p349