Politieke theorie, geschiedenis van ideeën OndersteuningCatalogSociale wetenschappenPolitiekAlgemeen, EncyclopedieënPolitical SciencePolitieke theorie, geschiedenis van ideeënpolitiek systeemPolitical Science, Policy ManagementPolitiek, EconomieVergelijkende politiekOntwikkelingstheorie, OntwikkelingspolitiekDiversen3.974 E-boeken in deze categorie Michael J. Shapiro: Politics and Time Catastrophic events like the bombing of Hiroshima, Hurricane Katrina’s devastation of New Orleans, and drone strikes periodically achieve renewed political significance as subsequent developments sum … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €17.99 Bernard Stiegler: States of Shock In 1944 Horkheimer and Adorno warned that industrial society turns reason into rationalization, and Polanyi warned of the dangers of the self-regulating market, but today, argues Stiegler, this regre … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €17.99 Christopher Finlay: Is Just War Possible? The idea that war is sometimes justified is deeply embedded in public consciousness. But it is only credible so long as we believe that the ethical standards of just war are in fact realizable in pra … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €10.99 Russell Blackford: Freedom of Religion and the Secular State Exploring the relationship between religion and the state Focusing on the intersection of religion, law, and politics in contemporary liberal democracies, Blackford considers the concept of the secul … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €28.99 Andrew Linklater: Transformation of Political Community Sovereign nation states, which were formed in the context of major war, have been deeply exclusionary in their dealings with minority cultures and alien outsiders. In this book, Andrew Linklater clai … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €19.99 Anthony Giddens: Beyond Left and Right How should one understand the nature and possibilities of political radicalism today? The political radical is normally thought of as someone who stands on the left, opposing backward-looking conserv … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €21.50 Michael J. Shapiro: War Crimes, Atrocity and Justice What do we know about war crimes and justice? What are the discursive practices through which the dominant images of war crimes, atrocity and justice are understood? In this wide ranging text, Michae … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €20.99 Gillian Brock: Migration and Political Theory Migration dominates contemporary politics across the world, and there has been a corresponding surge in political theorizing about the complex issues that it raises. In a world in which borders seem … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €16.99 William Edmundson: Socialism for Soloists The idea of socialism is making a comeback, particularly among rising generations. Their interest is likely to prove transitory, however, if socialism ignores their yearning for individual autonomy. … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €15.99 Elizabeth F. Cohen & Cyril Ghosh: Citizenship Although we live in a period of unprecedented globalization and mass migration, many contemporary western liberal democracies are asserting their sovereignty over who gets to become members of their … EPUB Engels Adobe DRM €15.99 Volgende pagina >>> 0 0 Kassa 0,00 × × × Wijzig gebruikerstaal × ArabischDuitsEngelsSpaansFransHindiIndonesischItaliaansMaleisNederlandsPoolsPortugeesRoemeenseRussischZweedsThaisTurksOekraïensVietnameesChineseInternational Modal ×