Globalization is a leading force for industry worldwide, especially
the new technology sector. This presents both problems and
opportunities in the emergence of a new type of consumer and the
effects of globalization on industry in terms of culture,
economics, marketing, and social issues at every scale from local
to global.
The main aim of the book is to enhance the reader’s
knowledge – especially from a multidisciplinary perspective
rather than from an individual functional perspective – of
international consumer behaviour. It also explores the role of
globalization in the evolving world of the new technology sector
and provides an overview of the development of international
consumer behavior from historical, geographical and social
perspectives, while focusing on new technology products and
Professionals, students and researchers working in the fields of
new technologies and information and communication technologies
(ICT) as well as specialists of marketing and management are the
target audience for this book. At the same time, the book
will be pitched at a level so as to also appeal to a more general
readership interested in globalization.
Part 1. Topics of Themes.
Chapter 1. E-travel Agents Selling to Ethnic Customers (Euler G.M. de Souza and Tunc Medeni).
Chapter 2. Local Advertizing over the Product Life Cycle: the product-consumer relationship in the international context (Saku Makinen and Hanna-Kaisa Desavelle).
Chapter 3. Culture and Diversity: a New Approach of Management (Chantal Ammi).
Chapter 4. Is Behavior Prone to Social Influence? (Toufik Kharbeche and Kaouther Jelassi).
Part 2. Applications at the National Level.
Chapter 5. The Gender Approach to Understanding Time-saving Durables Buying: Tunisian women in 2000 (Rafika Ben Guirat).
Chapter 6. The Cultural Impact on Changes in Consumption: Lithuania and Bulgaria (Jadvyga Ciburiene and Anastasiya Marcheva).
Chapter 7. Country of Origin: Perceptions and Attitudes of Portuguese Consumers (Ana Lisboa).
Chapter 8. Consumer Shopping Behavior Online: the Case of Spanish Web Users (Carla Ruiz Mafe and Silvia Sanz Blas).
Chapter 9. The New, Improved, Indian Consumer (Partho Ganguly).
Chapter 10. Globalization and Consumer Behavior: A Case Study of Cell Phone Users in India (Velan Nirmala and U. Devasenadhipathi).
Chapter 11. Factors Affecting Technology Adoption in India: A Consumer-based View (Atanu Adhikari and A.K. Rao).
Chapter 12. Chinese Culture and Chinese Consumer Behavior (Lei Tang).
Chapter 13. Modeling the Indicators of Purchasing Behavior toward Counterfeits: An Exploratory Study in China (Sindy Chapa and Monica D. Hernandez).
List of Authors.
Over de auteur
Chantal Ammi is a Professor at the National Institute of Telecommunications, Evry, France, head of MINT laboratory.