“Buck up.” “Stop feeling sorry for yourself.” “Don’t ruin everything.” When you are anxious, sad, angry, or lonely, do you hear this self-critical voice? What would happen if, instead of fighting difficult emotions, we
accepted them? Over his decades of experience as a therapist and mindfulness meditation practitioner, Dr. Christopher Germer has learned a paradoxical lesson: We all want to avoid pain, but letting it in–and responding compassionately to our own imperfections, without judgment or self-blame–are essential steps on the path to healing. This wise and eloquent book illuminates the power of self-compassion and offers creative, scientifically grounded strategies for putting it into action. Free audio downloads of the meditation exercises are available at the author’s website: www.chrisgermer.com.
See also
The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook, by Kristin Neff and Christopher Germer, which provides step-by-step guidance for building mindful self-compassion skills and applying them to specific life challenges, and
Teaching the Mindful Self-Compassion Program, by Christopher Germer and Kristin Neff (for professionals).
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) Self-Help Book of Merit
Foreword, Sharon Salzberg
I. Discovering Self-Compassion
1. Being Kind to Yourself
2. Listening to Your Body
3. Bringing In Difficult Emotions
4. What’s Self-Compassion?
5. Pathways to Self-Compassion
II. Practicing Loving-Kindness
6. Caring for Ourselves
7. Caring for Others
III. Customizing Self-Compassion
8. Finding Your Balance
9. Making Progress
Appendix A. Emotion Words
Appendix B. Additional Self-Compassion Exercises
Appendix C. Further Reading and Practice
Over de auteur
Christopher Germer, Ph D, is a clinical psychologist and Lecturer on Psychiatry (part-time) at Harvard Medical School. His books with Kristin Neff include The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook and Mindful Self-Compassion for Burnout (for the general public) and Teaching the Mindful Self-Compassion Program (for professionals). Dr. Germer is also author of The Mindful Path to Self-Compassion and coeditor of Mindfulness and Psychotherapy and Wisdom and Compassion in Psychotherapy. He lectures and leads workshops internationally and has a small psychotherapy practice in Massachusetts. His website is https://chrisgermer.com.