Pottery has a mysterious ability to draw people in when they observe the process. Before Jeremiah’s day, until a few centuries ago, it was a craft that supported civilization on a daily basis. The potter and his shop were absolute necessities in most communities.
David Romero has spent much time with his hands on the clay, and while working, God revealed His personal wish for the author. It was demonstrated to him in a similar way as God did with Jeremiah in regard to Israel. God opened the revelation to him through the scriptures of His desire to “remake” the author into His handcrafted creation.
Like the pot in Jeremiah, the author realized he was “marred.” But he also came to understand that God sent his son, Jesus, who is free from sin, to get his hands dirty with the process of salvation. He did that so, we who believe, would be remade and reconnected with the Father.
Discover how much God loves us, what He’s done for us, and how we can enjoy His special love with Miracles from the Fingertips of God.
Over de auteur
David Romero is a believer in Jesus Christ for more than forty years. His formal education is in three-dimensional design. He is enthralled with wheel-thrown pottery and has spent more than twenty years working with it. In the process of spiritual growth and skill development on the wheel, God revealed to him the analogy illustrated in this book. It is one of tremendous parallel between the potter, God, and the clay, man.