The Glasites or Sandemanians were a branch of the church with their roots in Scotland, but who spread much wider. This study seeks to explore their distinctives, both of theology and practice, and to place them in a wider context. The examination of a small sect serves to illuminate the wider story, and this particular community nurtured within it several eminent thinkers whose influence has been of deep importance–not the least, the scientific pioneer Michael Faraday. In exploring both their growth and their decline, the author seeks to convey something of the flavor of this part of the church and to consider what their legacy is.
Over de auteur
David Bebbington has served since 1976 at the University of Stirling, where he is Professor of History. His books include Evangelicalism in Modern Britain: A History from the 1730s to the 1980s (1989), The Mind of Gladstone: Religion, Homer and Politics (2004) and The Dominance of Evangelicalism: The Age of Spurgeon and Moody (2005).