Most of us have heard of Jesus’s disciples. Most probably know the names of several of them. But what exactly is a disciple of Jesus? We know there were twelve and one turned out to be a betrayer. We know that Jesus asked them to follow Him and they did. This makes them Jesus followers. What do Jesus followers do? They follow Jesus.
A close look at the Gospels reveals that many others were Jesus followers. Through the last two centuries, many people have followed Jesus and many still do today. Being a Jesus follower was very important to Jesus.
Being a disciple must be very important. When Jesus began His public ministry one of the first things He did was choose and call His disciples. The last thing He did before departing to return to heaven was to give the instruction to make disciples. To me, it is clear the Lord Jesus’ intention was that every believer was to become a disciple.
A disciple is a learner. Jesus was the teacher for the twelve as well as many others. We see from the Great Commission that disciples are to be disciple-makers and this is done by teaching potential disciples to obey everything that Jesus commanded.
In this book, we will explore significant information about disciples and being a disciple. We will look at what are Jesus’s commandments. We will discover how a disciple can be a disciple-maker. Interestingly we will see how obeying the Great Commission results in a chain reaction in which disciples, Jesus followers make other disciples. This chain reaction of making Jesus followers continues generation after generation throughout the history of the church. If you are a Jesus follower, it is a result of this wonderful plan.
If you are a Jesus follower, you will find this information useful in becoming a more effective Jesus follower. If you have not yet decided to be a Jesus follower, I am hoping this book will inspire you to become a Jesus follower.