The study of Jesus remains central to Christianity. ‘Who was and is Jesus?’ and ‘What has he done for us and for our world?’ are crucial questions that demand careful consideration and perennial answers. These Christological questions reach to the heart of Christian identity–both in its understanding of itself and in its relation to other world religions.
In Christology: Origins, Developments, Debates, Gerald O’Collins continues his groundbreaking work in Christology by first tracing its major developments over the last fifty years. He next turns to a theology of resurrection–Christology’s central event–and the foundational roles played by its two great witnesses, Peter and Paul. O’Collins then masterfully constructs a ’theology of religions’ that explores the relationship of Christianity to other living faiths precisely in light of the priesthood of Jesus Christ.
In this volume, O’Collins engages the riches of the tradition and the challenges of the present to aid scholars and students alike who wish to grasp the centrality of the second person of the Trinity to the Christian faith.
1. Christology–The Last Fifty Years
2. Revisiting the Person of Jesus
3. Revisiting the Work of Jesus
4. Paul as a Witness to the Risen Jesus
5. Peter as Witness to Easter
6. The Priesthood of Christ and Followers of Other Faiths
7. Jacques Dupuis and Religious Pluralism
8. Jacques Dupuis and Karl Rahner
A Bibliography of Gerald O’Collins, SJ (2000-2013)
Works Cited
Index of Names
Over de auteur
Gerald O’Collins, SJ, AC, taught Fundamental and Systematic Theology at the Gregorian University, Rome, for 33 years. He is now an adjunct professor of Australian Catholic University, a fellow of the University of Divinity, and writer-in-residence at Jesuit Theological College, Parkville (Australia). He has authored or coauthored more than 75 published books, many of which have been translated into Bulgarian, Chinese, French, Italian, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and other languages.