This book will have wide interest and import for clergy and members of churches who want to increase the vitality and effectiveness of the churches of which they are a part. It is unique in focusing on organization development (OD) a strategic theory that has achieved wide acceptance within business and industry. Heretofore, it has not been applied to institutional religion. This volume meets that need by combining human relations and systems approaches designed to increase productivity and personal fulfillmentconcepts that should have wide appeal at a time in religious history when religion is experiencing much challenge. Malony is convinced that the application of these OD principles can have a remarkable impact on church life.
Over de auteur
H. Newton Malony is a United Methodist minister and Clinical Psychologist. He is Senior Professor (Retired) from teaching in Fulller Theological Seminarys Graduate School of Psychology where he also taught clergy in the summer D Min program in church management, problem solving and conflict reduction. He holds an from Yale as well as M.S. and Ph D degrees from Peabody College of Vanderbilt. In addition to pastoring local churches, Malony has authored/edited over 30 books on the psychology of religion, theology, and church life.