Many people think that while living our daily lives can be difficult–even challenging–following Jesus is actually pretty easy. All we need to do is say ‘yes’ to Jesus and our lives can go on without interruption. But is it really that easy to follow? Is he a Jesus without cost or requirement?
At some point, we all need to ask ourselves, ‘Who is this Lord that I’m serving?’ Our culture encourages us to think of Jesus as a good friend who will not put any demands on our time or our lives. But the real Jesus, the God of the Bible, comes with a cost. He demands our time. He demands our thoughts. He demands our lives. He demands our all. It’s only when we are willing to pay that cost that we get to know our Savior as he really is–and we realize that he’s worth so much more!
Over de auteur
H. Wallace Webster (DMin, Trinity College and Seminary) has been a high school teacher, camp counselor youth leader, college and seminary professor, and pastor. He is presently senior pastor of Mt. Airy Bible Church. He is also the author of I Heart Parenting.