There is a narrow path on the journey through life that leads to a secret place in God where our adversary cannot find usa place where we are so hidden in Jesus Christ that we are off the map and preserved from the daily struggles and vexations of the enemy of our souls. This Highway of Holiness is only found in abiding intimately with our Lord, and James Maloney has endeavored to highlight a few keys that provide a unique perspective on the present-day deliverance ministry of Jesus. We all must come up higher in our walk with the Lord if we desire to truly live above the Snake Line.
Over de auteur
James Maloney has been in full-time ministry for more than forty years as the president of Dove on the Rise International. As a well-respected prophetic voice, his ministry expression is marked by a powerful, sign-and-wonder flow, heavily geared toward healing for the mind, soul, and body. He has a DD, a Th D, and a Ph D, and has authored several exciting books, including The Dancing Hand of God, The Panoramic Seer, Overwhelmed by the Spirit, Aletheia Eleutheroo, and The Lord in the Fires. He is also the compiler of the bestselling Ladies of Gold series. James and his wife, Joy, live in the Dallas-Fort Worth area with their grown children and seven grandsons.