Composer John Donald Robb (1892–1989) built an invaluable legacy in the preservation of New Mexico’s rich musical traditions. His extensive field recordings, compositions, papers, and photographs now comprise the John Donald Robb Archives in the University of New Mexico Libraries’ Center for Southwest Research. Cancionero presents thirteen Hispanic folk songs from Robb’s renowned archive. Created for musicians and vocalists, Cancionero features arrangements for voice with piano or guitar accompaniments as well as selected concert versions for voice, oboe, harp, and piano. Introductions include information about song forms, history, and subjects, providing further insight into each song.
Over de auteur
John Donald Robb (1892–1989), professor and dean emeritus of the College of Fine Arts at the University of New Mexico (1942–1957), was responsible for the growth of fine arts at the University of New Mexico in the 1940s and 1950s. A composer of stage, classical, and electronic music, Robb was also the author of Hispanic Folk Music of New Mexico and the Southwest: A Self-Portrait of a People (UNM Press).