John Scottus Eriugena, the brilliant and controversial Irishman in the court of Charles the Bald (823-877), the grandson of Charlemagne, drew upon both the Latin and Greek patristic traditions in order to present a bold and original Christian vision. A philosopher, theologian, translator, poet, and mystic, he may be considered the ideal Carolingian Renaissance man. This volume examines his understanding of the Incarnation, the enfleshment of the Word. On the one hand, Eriugena’s Christology creatively appropriates traditional categories in order to explain God’s philanthropia in creating, sustaining, and restoring the cosmos. On the other hand, it also provides a guide for the believer’s mystical participation in the life of Jesus and return to divine union. This brilliant intellectual from the so-called ‘Dark Ages’ offers much to inspire, and perhaps even to startle, contemporary theologians, philosophers, and believers who ponder the mystery of the God-made-flesh.
Over de auteur
John Panteleimon Manoussakis is Associate Professor of Philosophy at the College of the Holy Cross, and an Honorary Fellow at the Faculty of Theology and Philosophy of the Australian Catholic University. He was born in Athens, Greece, and educated in the United States (Ph D, Boston College). He is also a monastic ordained to the diaconate in 1995 and into the priesthood in 2011 (Archdiocese of Athens). His publications focus on philosophy of religion, phenomenology (in particular post-subjective anthropology in Heidegger and Marion), Plato and the Neo-Platonic tradition, and Patristics (Gregory of Nyssa, Dionysius and Maximus). He is the author of two books, editor of five volumes and he has published over thirty articles in English, Greek, Russian, Serbian, and Ukrainian.