Here’s an eye-opening look at why the righteous suffer. Twelve Bible based reasons tell the story from Divine Providence to Man’s Free Will; from True Lies to False Assumptions; from Disobedience to Unforgiveness; from Religious Persecution to False Doctrines; from A Lack of Knowledge to Demonic Attacks. It’s all there in the 112 pages of Rev. John Marinelli’s new book.
Rev. Marinelli will discuss the qualifiers that determine who is righteous and who is not and why suffering is part of the Christian experience.
The age-old question, ‘Why Did God allow this to happen?’ will be discussed.
Does God actually bring suffering upon the lives of His children? Who is to blame for the suffering of humanity?
Chapter One …..Free Will & Suffering
Chapter Two…..Disobedience & Suffering
Chapter Three…Divine Providence & Suffering
Chapter Four…..Unforgiveness & Suffering
Chapter Five… No Obvious Reason & Suffering
Chapter Six…….Religious Persecution & Suffering
Chapter Seven….Demonic Attacks & Suffering
Chapter Eight…..False Doctrines & Suffering
Chapter Nine……Lack of Knowledge & Suffering
Chapter Ten…….True Lies & Suffering
Chapter Eleven….False Assumptions & Suffering
Chapter Twelve…Not knowing God’s will & Suffering
About The Author
Over de auteur
John has authored several one act plays and monologues that were marketed through Russell House Publishing to churches nationwide for use in their performance ministries. He is also a dedicated Christian poet with award winning poems, some of which are permanently displayed on 3′ X 4’billboards in Holy Land USA, a 250 acre nature park in Bedford, VA. Several other poems are framed and displayed at the Christian Church Conference Center is Silver Springs, Florida.
He has appeared with his wife, Marilyn on several TV programs including Trinity Broadcasting Network in Jacksonville Beach and Miami, Florida, as well as, numerous radio station interviews around the country.
He is now retired and living in central Florida where he continues to write and publish Christian related materials.