A major aim of Nation-Building, Identity and Citizenship Education: Cross-cultural Perspectives is to present a global overview of selected scholarly research on global and comparative trends in dominant discourses of identity politics, and nation-building in comparative education research. It provides an easily accessible, practical, yet scholarly source of information about the international concern in the field of nati- building, identity and citizenship education. Above all, the book offers the latest findings on discourses surrounding national identity, nation-building, and citizenship education in the global culture. It offers a timely overview of current issues affecting the formation of social identity and citizenship education in the global culture. More than ever before, there is a need to understand and analyse both the intended and the unintended effects of globalisation and the forces of globalisation on nations, organisations, communities, educational institutions and individuals around the world. This is particularly relevant to the evolving and constantly cha- ing notions of nation-states, national identity, and citizenship education globally. Current global and comparative research demonstrates a rapidly changing world where citizens are experiencing a growing sense of alienation, uncertainty, and loss of moral purpose. In this stimulating and important book, the authors focus on discourses surrou- ing three major dimensions affecting the national identity, nation-building, and ci- zenship education debate in education and society: ideology, democracy, and human rights. These are among the most critical and significant dimensions defining and contextualising the processes surrounding the nation-building and identity.
Main Trends and Issues in Identity and Citizenship Education.- Nation-Building, Identity and Citizenship Education: Introduction.- Globalisation, Nation-Building, and Cultural Identity: The Role of Intercultural Dialogue*.- Globalization, Identities, and Diversified School Education.- Democracy, Identity, and Citizenship Education in South Africa: Defining a Nation in a Postcolonial and Global Era.- Civic Education in Eastern Europe: Results from the IEA Civic Education Project.- National Identity, Multiculturalism, and Language Policies.- Globalisation, Identity, and Cultural Dynamics in a Multiethnic State: Multiculturalism in Australia.- Cultural Identity: Case Studies.- The Dialectic of Globalisation, Identity, and Local Activism: Multicultural Education Policies in Japan.- Jewish-Canadian Identity and Hebrew Language Learning: Belonging (or Not Belonging) in Montreal and Toronto.- The Transformation of Higher Education in the United Arab Emirates: Issues, Implications, and Intercultural Dimensions*.- Cultural Identity and Good Practices in Intercultural Education in Europe.- Cultural Identity and Implementing a New Language-in-Education Policy in South African Schools.- A Place of One’s Own: Schooling and the Formation of Identities in Modern Nepal.