Please note this is a ‘Palgrave to Order’ title (PTO). Stock of this book requires shipment from an overseas supplier. It will be delivered to you within 12 weeks. A central concern of this study is the relationship between Wagner the artist and Wagner the social phenomenon. Many of the essays within explore the most difficult yet most crucial issue in Wagner studies: the impact of the composer’s problematic world view and complex personal life on his musical/dramatic creations.
Lingering Dissonances in Wagner Scholarship – M.Bribitzer-Stull and A.Lubet On the Need to Debate Richard Wagner in an Open Society: How to Confront Wagner Today Beyond Glorification and Condemnation – G.Wagner Tracing Mathilde’s Aß Major – R.Gauldin Glenn Gould and Richard Wagner – T.Maloney Subverting the Conventions of Number Opera from Within: Hierarchical and Associational Uses of Tonality in Act I of Der fliegende Holländer – W.Marvin Naming Wagner’s Themes – M.Bribitzer-Stull In Search of C Major: Tonal Structure and Formal Design in Act III of Die Meistersinger – W.Darcy Lingering Discourses: Critics, Jews, and the Case of Gottfried Wagner – M.Weiner Wagner’s Emblematic Role: The Case of Holocaust Commemoration in Israel – N.Sheffi Richard Wagner and Disability Studies – A.Lubet Anti-Semitism in Music: Wagner and the Origins of the Holocaust – P.Lawrence Rose
Over de auteur
ALEX LUBERT is Morse Alumni Distinguished Teaching Professor of Music, Jewish Studies, and American Studies at the University of Minnesota, USA.
MATTHEW BRIBITZER-STULL is Assistant Professor of Music Theory at the University of Minnesota, USA.
GOTTFRIED WAGNER is great-grandson of composer Richard Wagner and great-great grandson of composer-pianist Franz Liszt. Dr. Wagner works internationally as a multimedia lecturer, director (stage, video, and radio), musicologist, and author.