Take a visionary journey through The Illumination Codex to discover guidance for your path of spiritual awakening and unveil lost knowledge of the Higher Mysteries of Creation. This codex aims to explain our origins from the divine Source and provides a summary of the story of Creation as it relates to cosmic, galactic, planetary, and human history. It gives a futuristic perspective of Earth after it has been transformed into the higher consciousness New Earth reality when humanity lives in harmony with the greater cosmic family in renewed bodies of Light. Included in the codex:
- Initiatory guidance for understanding spiritual awakening and Ascension.
- A detailed description of the stages of Ascension as it relates to the evolution of the planet, human biology, and human consciousness.
- Extensive guidance for full spectrum holistic healing and wellness.
- Ancient esoteric and occult knowledge proven to lead one into nondual consciousness and God/Self realization.
- Manual of guidance in the art of the laying of hands.
- 58+ IQH hypnosis transcriptions describing:
- Cosmic, galactic, and planetary history.
- Lost knowledge of Lemuria, Atlantis, Avalon, Ancient Egypt, Inner Earth, and other lost civilizations.
- Extraterrestrial involvement with Earth and humanity in past, present, and future.
- Lost teachings and events in the life of Jesus Christ, Mary Magdalene, and others involved in the Ministry
- Future scenes of life and civilization in the New Earth reality.
Michael Garber, co-founder of New Earth Ascending global ministries, is a lighthouse for the collective human consciousness. He is internationally respected for his work as a teacher, healer, and voice for the Ascension of humanity and Planet Earth. His work as a past life regression hypnotherapist has given him vast insight into the nature of reality, the history of Creation, and the pathway of personal and planetary Ascension.
Table of Contents
Awakening to the Quantum Reality
GATEWAY ONE: Ascension Initiation: Keys for Higher Evolution
ONE: The Shift of the Ages
TWO: Earth School Orientation
THREE: The Human Experience
FOUR: High Alchemy of the Soul
FIVE: Awakening in the Matrix
SIX: Universal Laws of Creation
SEVEN: Ascension and Descension Cycles of Consciousness
EIGHT: Ascension Symptom Care
NINE: Shifting to New Earth
GATEWAY TWO: Akashic Database
TEN: Quantum Origins
ELEVEN: Star Family Legacy
TWELVE: The Earth Experiment
THIRTEEN: The Human Experiment
FOURTEEN: Lemuria and Atlantis
FIFTEEN: Atlantean Cataclysm
SIXTEEN: Inner Earth
SEVENTEEN: Ancient Egypt
EIGHTEEN: Holographic Earth & Planetary Grid
NINETEEN: Avalon & Jaguar Shaman
Cosmic Christ Transmissions
TWENTY: Jesus and the Ministry of Light
TWENTY-ONE: Protector of Jesus
TWENTY-TWO: John the Beloved
TWENTY-THREE: Mary Magdalene
TWENTY-FOUR: Jeremiah: Disciple of Jesus
TWENTY-FIVE: Through the Eyes of Jesus
TWENTY-SIX: Esther the Essene
TWENTY-SEVEN: Melchizedek, David, Jesus
New Earth Transmissions
TWENTY-EIGHT: Starseed Phenomenon
TWENTY-NINE: Starseed Transmissions
THIRTY: Making the Transition
THIRTY-ONE: Main Wave Event
THIRTY-TWO: City of Light
THIRTY-THREE: After the Shift
THIRTY-FOUR: New Earth Civilization
THIRTY-FIVE: Family of Light Blessing
GATEWAY THREE: Path of Awakening: Keys for Transfiguration
THIRTY-SIX: Path of Illumination
THIRTY-SEVEN: Taking Refuge in the Ideal
THIRTY-EIGHT: Path of Nondual Knowledge
THIRTY-NINE: Spiritual Ethics
FORTY: Meditation
FORTY-ONE: Koshas: Layers of Being
FORTY-TWO: Annamaya Kosha: Physical Body
FORTY-THREE: Pranamaya Kosha: Pranic Body
FORTY-FOUR: Postures for Channeling Light
FORTY-FIVE: Planes of Human Consciousness
FORTY-SIX: Superconscious Mind
FORTY-SEVEN: Bliss Body and Unity Consciousness
FORTY-EIGHT: 5D New Earth Consciousness
GATEWAY FOUR: Chakra Yoga Discourse
FORTY-NINE: Wheels of Light
FIFTY: Root Chakra: Grounded in Being
FIFTY-ONE: Sacral Chakra: Divine Creatorship
FIFTY-TWO: Conscious Relating & Sacred Sexuality
FIFTY-THREE: Solar Plexus Chakra: Divine Willpower
FIFTY-FOUR: Heart Chakra: Divine Love
FIFTY-FIVE: Throat Chakra: Conscious Communication
FIFTY-SIX: Brow Chakra: Divine Vision
FIFTY-SEVEN: Crown Chakra: Divine Limitlessness
FIFTY-EIGHT: Ascension Chakras
GATEWAY FIVE: Laying Hands: Reiki & Beyond
FIFTY-NINE: Reiki: Laying of Hands
SIXTY: Pillars of Embodied Light Reiki
SIXTY-ONE: Hand Placements: Self-Healing
SIXTY-TWO: Facilitating Healing for Others
SIXTY-THREE: Manifestation of New Earth Prayer
GATEWAY SIX: Ascension Lexicon
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Over de auteur
Michael Garber, co-founder of New Earth Ascending global ministries, is a lighthouse for the collective human consciousness. He is internationally respected for his work as a teacher, healer, and voice for the Ascension of humanity and Planet Earth. His work as a past life regression hypnotherapist has given him vast insight into the nature of reality, the history of Creation, and the pathway of personal and planetary Ascension.www.newearthascending.org