The Grail is the most sought after artefact in human history. For two thousand years we have searched for it. We stole, cheated, and killed for it. We started wars in pursuit of its powers. The hunt for the Grail never diminished over the ages but rather intensified. In spite of the continued quest for the Grail, when it couldn’t be found, it passed into legend. However, just because something hasn’t been found does not mean it does not exist. The purpose of the Christ on earth was to create the Grail, a gate, allowing for our return to heaven – ‘I will create a gate. Whoever enters through it will be saved.’ (John 10:9)
The Grail does exist and for the first time in almost two thousand years, The Truth – The Biggest Cover-up in History reveals what the Grail is, where to find it and how to use it.
About the Author
Book 1: The Grail
1. States of Our Existence
2. The Grail – The Legend
3. The Messenger and the Grail
4. Forgiveness and Repentance (Part 1)
5. Forgiveness and Repentance (Part 2)
Book 2: The Creation of the Grail
6. Our Inheritance: Belief versus Knowledge
7. The Trinity: Our Creation and Fall
8. Entry into Jerusalem & the Belief Based System
9. Judgment
10. The Journey to Crucifixion (Part 1)
11. The Journey to Crucifixion (Part 2)
12. The Journey to Crucifixion (Part 3)
Book 3: The Grail and the Promised Kingdom
13. Yeshua & Judas
14. The Promised Kingdom
15. Miracles
16. Summary
17. Final Thoughts
Over de auteur
Although raised a Catholic, the Author Robert Barry does not have any deeply held religious beliefs. He does not endorse any one religion above another and he is not an authority on the Holy Grail. What qualifies the author to write this book is that when he thought all was lost, he found and used the Holy Grail, the most sought-after artefact of the last two millennia and his book is based on the experience. Robert’s work reveals the truth about the Grail and returns to us that which was taken from us – our free will!