Stephen Cottrell brings home, vividly and poignantly, the physical reality of the passion story.
The narrative of Holy Week is powerful and painful, and because we know how the story ends it’s easy to gloss over the difficult details, and stay in the comfort zone of our understanding. The Things He Carried is a book to stimulate thought, provoke discussion and create space for contemplation.
‘In order to understand the cross you need to stand under it . . . with the imagination as well as the mind… This book aims to help in that process… But however you use it – on your own or with others – I hope you will receive some small appreciation of just how much the cross weighs, and maybe even pick it up yourself.’
From the Introduction
Introduction xi
1 The cross 1
2 A crown of thorns 11
3 A seamless robe 21
4 His followers’ disappointments 29
5 The hopes of God 37
6 The sins of the world 47
7 Our sorrows 55
8 A broken heart 63
A prayer 75
Over de auteur
Stephen Cottrell is Archbishop of York, and was formerly Bishop of Chelmsford and Bishop of Reading. He has written widely about evangelism, spirituality and discipleship. Among his books are Walking Backwards to Christmas (2014), The Things He Said (2009), The Nail: Being part of the Passion (2011) and Christ in the Wilderness: Reflecting on the paintings by Stanley Spencer (2012), all published by SPCK.