根據世界經濟論壇(World Economic Forum) 公布的「2008-2009 年全球競爭力報告」,台灣蟬聯全球產業聚落發展指標之首位,其意義格外非凡。檢視台灣的產業結構可以發現,同業如果聚集在一起, 利用彼此競爭合作的關係,相互供應各項服務,加上產品及資訊的流通,將可降低交易和生產成本,發揮最高的經濟效益,從而展現出群聚的效應。因此,產業聚落絕對是台灣經濟發展的重要資產。
金融海嘯的襲擊下,維持台灣產業競爭力是政府及業者的共同努力目標。為使業者明瞭並善用台灣各項產業的發展優勢,同時透過有系統的介紹,使國外相關業者體會台灣特有的產業競爭力,以加強渠等來台投資意願,本會特別針對台灣主要產業聚落進行調查研究, 分析介紹其地區分布、當地資源及政府輔導方向,並實地訪問相關廠商,記錄產業發展沿革和成功經營模式,以供各界參考。
2010 年元月
The World Economic Forum published the ‘Global Competitiveness Report 2008-2009′ and acknowledged Taiwan’s high level of efficiency, again ranking it first in the State of Cluster Development index among 134 economies. This honor is significant recognition of the country’s industrial development, and industry clusters indeed play a crucial role. Companies in the clusters compete and cooperate with each other, stimulating a variety of supplier networks. Through the exchange of information, they can decrease their production costs and facilitate business efficiency. As a result, industry clusters are indispensable to Taiwan.
Under the threat of the global financial crisis, the government and private enterprises share the goal of strengthening Taiwan’s competitive capacity. To familiarize enterprises with the advantages enjoyed by various industries and to encourage foreign investment, the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) has conducted a series of surveys on the traditional industry clusters in Taiwan, featuring their geographical distribution, regional resources and economic policies. Our staff writers paid visits to companies in different industrial sectors to discover business models that could serve as a reference for others.
The Story of Taiwan Industrial Clusters (I) features seven of Taiwan’s industrial clusters: machine tools, plumbing hardware, hosiery, towels, orchids, eyeglasses and fasteners. This sequel is divided into another nine pivotal domestic industrial clusters: glass, yachts, automobile parts and accessories, musical instruments, ceramics, food, food machinery, fitness equipment and mobility assistive devices. Other industries will be covered later to complete the picture of the cluster economy on the island. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the International Trade Information Center for its efforts, which made this book possible.
Chih-Kang Wang, Ph. D.
June 2009
玻璃產業聚落Glass Industrial Cluster
高雄遊艇產業聚落Kaohsiung Yacht Industrial Cluster
台南汽車零配件產業聚落Tainan Automobile Parts and Accessories Cluster
后里樂器產業聚落Houli Musical Instruments Industrial Cluster
陶瓷產業聚落Ceramic Industrial Cluster
食品工業產業聚落Food Industrial Cluster
食品機械產業聚落Food Machinery Industrial Cluster
台中健身器材產業聚落Taichung Fitness Equipment Industrial Cluster
行動輔具產業聚落Mobility Assistive Devices Industrial Cluster
主要廠商名址Key Players in the Clusters