Contents: Robert Maier , The relevance of dialogue analysis in the study of multicultural schools. – Claudio Baraldi , Forms of communication in multicultural classrooms: A way of exploring dialogue. – Willibrord de Graaf , The dynamics of identity in multicultural schools. – Rik Pinxten , Dialogues and multiculturalism: Power and intercultural competencies. – Iris Andriessen / Karen Phalet , Integration: The road to success in school? A study among minority youth in the Netherlands. – Lawrence N. Berlin , What else are students learning? A critical dialogue analysis of a multi-cultural classroom. – Anna Ciliberti / Laurie Anderson , Metacommunication in classroom interaction. – Feng-Bing / Shi-Xu , The practice of relation-building by ethnic minority children: Investigation into how Chinese children in Northern Ireland deal with ethnic difference. – José Antonio Flores Farfán , Towards an intercultural dialogue in and around the school in Mexico: Problems, reflections and new perspectives. – Ingrid Gogolin , No penalty, but a …? About monolingual teachers’ dialogues in multilingual classrooms. – N. Ivanova / E. Konevá / M. Lobas / I. Mnatsakanyan , Adaptation of Caucasian children to multicultural Russian schools. An example from the Yaroslavl region. – José A. Sanchez Medina / Virginia Martinez Lozano , Cooperation and conflict management in the playground. A study of Dutch and Andalusian play behavior. – Karola Pitsch , Construction of knowledge in bilingual German-French history lessons: Interactive emergence of >common ground<. – Rosa Pugliese , >Constructing the other<: Discursive processes in academic and social labelling. – Karl Rydl , Theory and practice of intercultural and multicultural education in the Czech Republic. – Agnès van Zanten , Political models and local practice: The production of ethnicity in the schools of the Parisian periphery. – Edda Weigand , Dialogue and teaching in multicultural settings. – Ed Elbers / Maaike Hajer / Marina Jonkers / Joanneke Prenger , Instructive dialogues: Participation in dyadic interactions in multicultural classrooms. – Mariëtte de Haan / Ed Elbers , Collaboration patterns in a multi-ethnic classroom in the Netherlands: Differences in the reconstruction of institutional norms and ethnicity. – Trees Pels , Disengagement and teacher-student interactions in two Dutch multi-ethnic schools. – Wolfgang Herrlitz , Complex patterns in classroom discourse.