The number of surviving medieval secular poems attributed to named female authors is small, some of the best known being those of the trobairitz the female troubadours of southern France. However, there is a large body of poetry that constructs a particular textual femininity through the use of the female voice. Some of these poems are by men and a few by women (including the trobairitz); many are anonymous, and often the gender of the poet is unresolvable. A 'woman’s song’ in t...
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List of Abbreviations
—Anne L. Klinck
Chapter 1 Sappho and Her Daughters: Some Parallels Between Ancient and Medieval Woman’s Song
—Anne L. Klinck
O autorze
Anne L. Klinck is Professor Emerita of English at the University of New Brunswick, Canada. She is the author of The Old English Elegies: A Critical Edition and Genre Study...