Greetings and welcome to Viking List Building! This is a unique list-building approach that aims to accomplish two objectives: 1) establish a list-building apparatus in less an hour; and 2) obtain high opt-in rates.
This method entails capitalizing on the popularity of video courses in order to create opt-ins.
Why Should I Take Video Courses?
When it comes to e Books, Free Reports, PDFs, and the like, people have acquired 'banner blindness.’ It still works, particularly if you have the time and money to invest in creating massive, spectacularly designed, high-quality e Books and reports, but even then, it simply does not convert as effectively as it used to.
However, when we directed users to opt-in pages offering free video lessons, we witnessed opt-in rates of up to 78 percent! This is especially effective when your lead magnet has a unique visual motif or mascot, as opposed to a generic name and generic image, but we’ll get to that in lesson 2.