Ogólne WsparcieCatalogNauki społeczneOgólneSocjologiaPolitykaMedia / KomunikacjaEtnologiaOrzecznictwoGospodarka128 055 Ebooki w tej kategorii Emma Colvin & Annette Gainsford: Children, Care and Crime The historical context of colonisation situates the analysis in Children, Care and Crime of the involvement of children with care experience in the criminal justice system in an Australian jurisdicti … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.58 Mithilesh Narayan Bhatt: Queer Crimes & Criminal Justice The Queer/Sexual minority which interalia includes lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (hereinafter LGBT) people is not a new phenomenon in today’s scenario. LGBT share a particular experience of … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.48 James M. Henslin: Homelessness This is Volume II of a bibliography of works on the homelessness and is dedicated to the many homeless people who discussed their situation during the author”s research across the United States. … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.19 Gordon Cox: Living Music in Schools 1923-1999 This title was first published in 2002: This volume explores educational reforms and innovations in music teaching in England between 1923 and 1999. Gordon Cox investigates the key reforms which atte … EPUB Adobe DRM €42.50 Kathleen M. (University of Pittsburgh, USA) Blee & Robert (University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA) Futrell: Out of Hiding Out of Hiding: Extremist White Supremacy and How It Can Be Stopped explains how white supremacist extremism endures, the varied forms it takes, its relationship with systemic racism, and what to do a … EPUB Adobe DRM €30.84 Anna Nicholas: Strictly Off the Record In this acutely funny, witty and endearing memoir, Anna Nicholas recounts her adventures judging records around the world with The Guinness Book of Records famed founder, Norris Mc Whirter, CBE. Nick … EPUB Adobe DRM €5.13 Alec Grant & Helen Leigh-Phippard: Our Encounters with Stalking Describes the depression, anxiety, sleep disturbance, paranoia, agoraphobia and post-traumatic stress that are all possible as a consequence of stalking. … EPUB Adobe DRM €25.72 Jude Boyles: Psychological Therapies for Survivors of Torture This edited collection of writings by experienced therapists, social workers and interpreters working with survivors of torture in exile fills a gap in the English-language literature with its specif … EPUB Adobe DRM €32.20 Paul R. Laska: Bombs, IEDs, and Explosives A guide on procedures, administration, and equipment, Bombs, IEDs, and Explosives: Identification, Investigation, and Disposal Techniques introduces concepts, basic knowledge, and necessary skill set … EPUB Adobe DRM €83.83 Mike Newton: How To Talk About Race Trying to detangle fact from the fiction and hearsay from hard truths challenging in many areas of discussion and race is no exception. If the issues surrounding race can leave you confused, and you … EPUB Adobe DRM €6.40 Następna strona >>> 0 0 Sprawdzić 0,00 × × × Zmień język użytkownika × ArabskiNiemieckiAngielskiHiszpańskiFrancuskiHinduskiIndonezyjskiWłoskiMalajskiHolenderskiPolskiePortugalskiRumuńskiRosyjskiSzwedzkiTajskiTureckiUkraińskiWietnamskiChińskiInternational Modal ×