Socjologia WsparcieCatalogNauki społeczneOgólneSocjologiaPolitykaMedia / KomunikacjaEtnologiaOrzecznictwoGospodarkaOgólne, słownikiTeorie socjologiczneBadania społeczneSocjologia pracy, socjologia ekonomicznaSocjologia miejskaBadania kobietBadania struktury społecznejSocjologia politycznaInne35 491 Ebooki w tej kategorii W. H. Davenport Adams: Witch warlock and magician It has not been my purpose, in the present volume, to attempt a general history of magic and alchemy, or a scientific inquiry into their psychological aspects. I have confined myself to a sketch of t … EPUB Angielski €2.99 John Nagle: Introducing Sociology Sociology is interested in the ways people shape the society they live in, and the ways society shapes them. Simply, it is the study of what modern society is and how it functions. In the series’ ini … EPUB Angielski €5.99 Alan Bairner: Sport and the Irish Consides the relationship between sport, national identities and gender in a contemporary Irish context. Das E-Book Sport and the Irish wird angeboten von UCD Press und wurde mit folgenden Begriffen … EPUB Angielski €15.59 Honoré de Balzac: Bureaucracy In 'Bureaucracy, ’ Honor√© de Balzac presents a keen examination of the intricate workings of the administrative state, drawing readers into the labyrinth of political and social machinery that defin … EPUB Angielski €1.99 William Makepeace Thackeray: John Leech’s Pictures of Life and Character In 'John Leech’s Pictures of Life and Character, ’ William Makepeace Thackeray presents a captivating amalgamation of social commentary and vivid illustration, encapsulating the complexities of Victo … EPUB Angielski €1.99 Harriet Martineau: Society in America (The Complete Two-Volume Edition) Harriet Martineau’s 'Society in America’ presents a pioneering sociological examination of the American social fabric during the early 19th century. Divided into two comprehensive volumes, Martineau … EPUB Angielski €1.99 Tugrul Keskin: The Sociology of Islam, The The contribution of Islam to world civilization is undeniable, however in the last one hundred years, Muslims have been faced with all the effects and ramifications of modernity, caused by the emerge … EPUB Angielski €10.00 Rudolf Steiner: The Esoteric Aspect of the Social Question Although recent years have seen major advances in science and technology, the social aspect of life still presents major problems for western societies. The general increase in destructive, antisocia … EPUB Angielski €5.99 Harriet Martineau: Society in America In 'Society in America, ’ Harriet Martineau offers a meticulous examination of American society in the early 19th century through a sociological lens. Combining rich narrative style with analytical r … EPUB Angielski €1.99 Harriet Martineau: Society in America Harriet Martineau’s book 'Society in America’ offers a comprehensive and insightful analysis of American society in the early 19th century. Martineau, a pioneering sociologist and writer, provides a … EPUB Angielski €1.99 Następna strona >>> 0 0 Sprawdzić 0,00 × × × Zmień język użytkownika × ArabskiNiemieckiAngielskiHiszpańskiFrancuskiHinduskiIndonezyjskiWłoskiMalajskiHolenderskiPolskiePortugalskiRumuńskiRosyjskiSzwedzkiTajskiTureckiUkraińskiWietnamskiChińskiInternational Modal ×