Skull-base surgery is a minimally invasive endoscopic procedure, which involves the surgeon inserting instruments through the natural openings in the skull—the nose or mouth—or by making a small hole just above the eyebrow. This type of surgery requires a team of specialists, which may include ENT (ear, nose, and throat), maxillofacial and neurosurgeons, as well as radiologists. The craniovertebral junction (CVJ) has a unique anatomical bone and neurovascular structure, whic...
Spis treści
Skull base embryology.- anatomy.- physiology.- neuroradiology.- neurophysiology.- oncology.- inflammation.- deformities.- trauma surgical approaches in th...
O autorze
Massimiliano VISOCCHI is Professor in Neurosurgery at the Catholic University of Rome Italy, European Certificate In Neurosurgery, EANS Course Graduation, and Visiting Pro...