Skull-base surgery is a minimally invasive endoscopic procedure, which involves the surgeon inserting instruments through the natural openings in the skull—the nose or mouth—or by making a small hole just above the eyebrow. This type of surgery requires a team of specialists, which may include ENT (ear, nose, and throat), maxillofacial and neurosurgeons, as well as radiologists. The craniovertebral junction (CVJ) has a unique anatomical bone and neurovascular structure, which not only separates the subaxial cervical spine but also provides a special cranial flexion, extension and axial rotation pattern. As such, a sound knowledge of the basic principles of spine instrumentation and the region’s kinematics are essential when it comes to strategic preoperative planning.
Skull-base, craniovertebral junction, spine demolitive and reconstructive surgery, neuromodulation, bioengineering and transplantation are recent tools used to improve reconstruction, restoration and rehabilitation – three key words central to the core aim of the Neurorehabilitation and Reconstruction Committee of the WFNS, which is to promte mechanical morphological and functional restoration.
Skull base embryology.- anatomy.- physiology.- neuroradiology.- neurophysiology.- oncology.- inflammation.- deformities.- trauma surgical approaches in the cadaver lab and in operating theatre realted to all the special conditions.
Om författaren
Massimiliano VISOCCHI is Professor in Neurosurgery at the Catholic University of Rome Italy, European Certificate In Neurosurgery, EANS Course Graduation, and Visiting Professor at the Shanghai University (China), the George’s University of London (UK) and at the Mumbai University (India) since 2012. Winner of the National Competition for Associate Professorship in Neurosurgery in 2012 and Full Professorship in 2018. Director of the Special Course and the Second degree level Master in Surgery of Cranio Vertebral Junction at the Catholic University of Rome Italy since 2013. Founder ad Director of the Research Center in Surgery of Cranio Vertebral Junction Catholic University of Rome Italy. Chairman of the Operative Unit of Craniovertebral Junction Surgery, Member of the World Achademy of Neurologica Surgery (WANS) ex Chairman of the Neuroehabilitation and Reconstructive Committe of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS), Member of the Board and actually Honorary Secretary of Craniovertebral Juntion and Spine Society, Momber of the Board the Executive Board of the World Neurosurgeon Federation of Cranial Nerve disorders (WNFCND), Member of the WFNS Educational Committee , Member of the WFNS Neurotrauma Committee, Vice Chairman of the EANS Globan Humanitaria Committe, Member of the EANS Skull Base Committe, ex EANS Individual Member Committee Delegate, ex Member of the Board of the Italian Society of Neurosurgery (SINCh), Former President of 2 National Scientific Societies (SINSEC: Società Italiana di Neurosonologia ed Emodinamica Cerebrale and Gruppo di Studio di Emodinamica Cerebrale della Società Italiana di Neurochirurgia). Past Secretary of the Spine Section of SINCh, Member of 13 International and 9 National Scientific Societies. Chairman, Board Organizing Scientific Committee Member and Invited Speaker in more than 350 International and National Courses and Congresses. Author of more than 400 papers, Author of 6 monographic books and Editor of 4 monographic Issues (2 Acta Neurochirurgica Suppl, 2 Acta medica Romana) of indexed Peer Reviewed Journals. Member of Continuing Educational Committee (ECM) of the Italian Health Ministery. Member of the Editorial Board of 7 International Peer reviewed Indexed Journals and 2 national; Referee of 30 International Indexed Peer Reviewed Journals and 4 nationals. Winner of INS Award 1996 (Orlando Fl USA) on Neuromodulation of Cerebral Blood Flow and of the Shanghai University Award in 2012 on Cranio Vertebral Junction Surgery.