Spis treści
Part 1 Get Organized
Chapter 1 Spring-Cleaning
Step 1: Get Ready
Step 2: Gather Documents
Step 3: Sort through Things
Step 4: Implement a System for Keeping Track of Information
Other Topics for Your Financial Spring-Cleaning
Chapter 2 In Case of Emergency, or ICE
Step 1: Create an ICE File
Step 2: Create an ICE Plan
Part 2 Analyze Your Financial Profile
Chapter 3 Analyze Your Numbers
Step 1: Create a Personal Income Statement
Step 2: Determine Your Net Worth
Step 3: Focus on Cash Flow, Not Just Income
Chapter 4 Analyze Your Risk
Step 1: Analyze Your Sources of Income
Step 2: Evaluate Your Creditworthiness
Step 3: Have a Plan to Pay Off Debt
Step 4: Examine Your Insurance Coverage
Step 5: Consider Other Risks and Exposures
Part 3 Educate Yourself About Investing
Chapter 5 Some Fundamental Concepts
Supply and Demand
Yield, Total Return, and Compounding
Concentration and Diversification
Tax Efficiency
Chapter 6 Investable Assets: What to Invest In
The Capital Markets
Common Types of Investable Assets
Other Types of Investable Assets
Chapter 7 Types of Investment Structures: Ways to Invest
Individual Accounts
Mutual Funds
Exchange Traded Funds, or ETFs
Chapter 8 Types of Investment Accounts: Why to Invest
Taxable Accounts
Retirement Accounts
529 Plans
Putting Everything to Work
Part 4 Save and Invest Your Money
Chapter 9 Determine Your Savings Goals: What Are You Investing For?
Imminent Need: Emergency Fund
Long-Term Need: Retirement Savings
Intermediate-Term Needs: Down Payment, School, Other Goals
Time Is Your Friend
How to Save for Multiple Goals
One More Goal: Investing in Others
Chapter 10 Achieving Your Savings Goals: How Will You Get There?
Assumptions for Investment Returns and Growing Your Savings
Chapter 11 Evaluate Your Investing Choices: What Allocation Makes Sense for You?
Chapter 12 Consider Methods: Who Will Do the Investing?
Going Solo
Working with a Professional
Chapter 13 Evaluate Metrics for Potential Investments: Which Investments Are Best?
Performance Metrics
Other Metrics and Factors
Having a Sell Discipline
Chapter 14 Monitor Your Investments: How Are You Doing?
Look for Overlap Across Your Investments
Going Forward